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Energy Market Shock Absorbers Markets & Regulation March 23, 2017 Joe Aldy Electricity Markets, Regulation
Stalled: Make Big Trucks More Fuel Efficient Transportation March 15, 2017 Steve Viscelli Energy Efficiency
PG&E Battery Demonstration Electricity, Emerging Tech February 27, 2017 Thomas Lee Storage
Aligning Local Logic with Global Need Climate February 3, 2017 Oscar Serpell Climate Adaptation
Future Energy Demands on the Global Aviation Industry Transportation, Fossil Fuels January 11, 2017 Megan Ryerson Aviation
Managing Induced Seismicity from Wastewater Injection Wells in Pennsylvania Fossil Fuels December 6, 2016 John Quigley Fracking, Oil & Gas, Pennsylvania, Water
Lessons from Alberta: How to Implement a Carbon Tax Markets & Regulation, Fossil Fuels September 10, 2016 Angela Pachon, Dillon Weber Carbon Pricing & Offsets, International
Taxing the Tar Sands Markets & Regulation, Fossil Fuels August 10, 2016 Angela Pachon, Dillon Weber Carbon Pricing & Offsets, Emissions, Oil & Gas
Will China Reduce Coal Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions? Fossil Fuels, Climate June 21, 2016 Matthew Kahn Coal, Emissions, International
Understanding the Challenges of Integrating Seasonal Resources into PJM’s Wholesale Capacity Market Electricity, Renewables June 20, 2016 Christina Simeone Electricity Markets, Grids
Economics and Policy of Large-Scale Battery Storage Emerging Tech, Markets & Regulation June 13, 2016 Mark Jacobsen Storage
Developing the High-Res Grid Electricity, Emerging Tech June 3, 2016 Christina Simeone Grids
Fighting Climate Change and the Social Cost of Carbon Climate, Markets & Regulation April 29, 2016 Christian Gollier Carbon Pricing & Offsets, Emissions
Computing the Right Price Signal for the Social Cost of Carbon Markets & Regulation, Climate April 28, 2016 Christian Gollier, Angela Pachon Carbon Pricing & Offsets, Emissions
NRC Staff Raises Alarm on Widespread Nuclear Plant Design Flaw Nuclear, Emerging Tech March 30, 2016 Christina Simeone Public Health, Regulation


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