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The Key to Electric Grid Reliability: Modernizing Governance Institutions & Governance, Electricity, Markets & Regulation, Clean Energy March 20, 2024 Alexandra Klass, Josh Macey, Shelley Welton, Hannah Wiseman Grids, Regulation
Wholesale Electricity Justice Institutions & Governance, Access & Equity, Electricity September 7, 2022 Shelley Welton Grids
The Opportunities and Limitations of Seasonal Energy Storage Clean Energy, Electricity November 2, 2020 Oscar Serpell Grids, Storage
The Best Local Response to Climate Change Is a Comprehensive Efficiency Plan Electricity July 23, 2020 Oscar Serpell, Wan-Yi “Amy” Chu, Benjamin Paren Emissions, Energy Efficiency, Grids
A Market for Primary Frequency Response? Electricity, Markets & Regulation June 17, 2018 Thomas Lee Electricity Markets, Grids
Power Over the Twenty-First Century Electric Grid Electricity, Clean Energy April 10, 2018 Ari Peskoe Electricity Markets, Grids, Regulation
Energy and the Blockchain: Opportunities and Challenges for Climate and Energy Governance Emerging Tech March 15, 2018 Oscar Serpell Electricity Markets, Energy Efficiency, Energy Security, Grids
Comparative Pathways to Regional Energy Transition Fossil Fuels, Climate March 31, 2017 Mark Alan Hughes, Cornelia Colijn, Oscar Serpell Emissions, Grids, Oil & Gas, Pennsylvania
Understanding the Challenges of Integrating Seasonal Resources into PJM’s Wholesale Capacity Market Electricity, Clean Energy June 20, 2016 Christina Simeone Electricity Markets, Grids
Developing the High-Res Grid Electricity, Emerging Tech June 3, 2016 Christina Simeone Grids

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