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The Key to Electric Grid Reliability: Modernizing Governance Electricity, Markets & Regulation, Renewables March 20, 2024 Alexandra Klass, Josh Macey, Shelley Welton, Hannah Wiseman Grids, Regulation
Coordinated Policy and Targeted Investment for an Orderly and Reliable Energy Transition Electricity, Markets & Regulation February 20, 2024 Kelli Joseph Regulation
Residential Battery Storage: Reshaping the Way We Do Electricity Electricity, Markets & Regulation August 23, 2023 Christian Kaps Solar, Storage
Addressing Energy Insecurity in Philadelphia’s Affordable Multi-Family Housing with C-PACE Financing Markets & Regulation, Access & Equity March 29, 2023 Walter Johnsen Finance & Investment
The Net-Zero Governance Conveyor Belt Climate, Markets & Regulation December 19, 2022 Thomas Hale Emissions, International
How Effective Are Vehicle Exhaust Standards? Transportation, Markets & Regulation December 7, 2022 Arthur van Benthem, Mark Jacobsen, James Sallee, Joseph Shapiro Emissions
East Meets West: Linking the China and EU ETS’s Markets & Regulation June 3, 2022 Angela Sun Emissions, International
The Not-So-Rare Earth Elements: A Question of Supply and Demand Markets & Regulation, Renewables September 23, 2021 Hyong-Min Kim, Deep Jariwala Natural Resources
Beyond Prices and Quantities: Greening Policies Under Sectoral Reforms in Argentina Markets & Regulation, Renewables August 20, 2021 Santiago Cunial International, Offshore Wind, Onshore Wind, Solar
The Carbon Shock: Investor Response to the British Columbia Carbon Tax Markets & Regulation May 5, 2021 Akshay Malhotra Carbon Pricing & Offsets, Finance & Investment, Regulation
Aligning Historic Preservation and Energy Efficiency Cities & Buildings, Markets & Regulation April 8, 2021 Sara Bronin Energy Efficiency, Regulation
Supply and Demand Evolution in the Voluntary Carbon Credit Market Markets & Regulation, Climate October 15, 2020 Giridhar Sankar Carbon Pricing & Offsets, International
Balancing Renewable Energy Goals with Community Interests Renewables, Markets & Regulation May 20, 2020 Hannah Wiseman Onshore Wind, Regulation, Solar
Robust Carbon Markets: Rethinking Quantities and Prices in Carbon Pricing Markets & Regulation January 9, 2020 Dallas Burtraw Carbon Pricing & Offsets, Emissions, Regulation
Climate Change and Financial Risks Markets & Regulation, Climate September 19, 2019 Aymeric Bellon Finance & Investment, Risk


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