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Ending Fossil Fuel Tax Subsidies Fossil Fuels, Markets & Regulation April 27, 2017 Gilbert Metcalf Oil & Gas, Regulation, Subsidies
Energy Market Shock Absorbers Markets & Regulation March 23, 2017 Joe Aldy Electricity Markets, Regulation
A Case Study of Electricity Competition Results in Pennsylvania Electricity, Markets & Regulation October 28, 2016 Christina Simeone, John Hanger Electricity Markets, Pennsylvania
Lessons from Alberta: How to Implement a Carbon Tax Markets & Regulation, Fossil Fuels September 10, 2016 Angela Pachon, Dillon Weber Carbon Pricing & Offsets, International
Taxing the Tar Sands Markets & Regulation, Fossil Fuels August 10, 2016 Angela Pachon, Dillon Weber Carbon Pricing & Offsets, Emissions, Oil & Gas
Economics and Policy of Large-Scale Battery Storage Emerging Tech, Markets & Regulation June 13, 2016 Mark Jacobsen Storage
Rate Decoupling and Economic and Design Considerations Electricity, Markets & Regulation June 6, 2016 Christina Simeone Oil & Gas, Utilities
Fighting Climate Change and the Social Cost of Carbon Climate, Markets & Regulation April 29, 2016 Christian Gollier Carbon Pricing & Offsets, Emissions
Computing the Right Price Signal for the Social Cost of Carbon Markets & Regulation, Climate April 28, 2016 Christian Gollier, Angela Pachon Carbon Pricing & Offsets, Emissions
Exploring the Utility of the Future in Pennsylvania Electricity, Markets & Regulation February 1, 2016 Christina Simeone Regulation, Utilities
Listening, Learning, Leading: A Framework for Regulatory Excellence Markets & Regulation November 4, 2015 Cary Coglianese International, Regulation
Why the U.S. Might Lift a Decades Long Ban on Crude Oil Exports Fossil Fuels, Markets & Regulation September 16, 2015 Dillon Weber Oil & Gas, Regulation
A Tale of Two Taxes Markets & Regulation, Fossil Fuels September 2, 2015 Angela Pachon, Dillon Weber Oil & Gas, Regulation
PA Future Utility Part IV: How States are Approaching the Future Utility Issue Markets & Regulation, Electricity July 27, 2015 Christina Simeone Pennsylvania, Utilities
PA Future Utility Part III: Philosophies of Change Markets & Regulation, Electricity July 26, 2015 Christina Simeone Pennsylvania, Utilities


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