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Emerging Tech
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Advancing the Social License for Carbon Management in Achieving Net-Zero GHG Emissions Greenhouse Gas Removal, Emerging Tech February 21, 2024 Peter Psarras, Maxwell Pisciotta, Hélène Pilorgé Carbon Capture
A New Era of Policy in Solar Geoengineering Emerging Tech January 12, 2024 Shuchi Talati Solar
Ammonia’s Role in a Net-Zero Hydrogen Economy Emerging Tech March 17, 2023 Oscar Serpell, Zakaria Hsain, Wan-Yi “Amy” Chu, Walter Johnsen Hydrogen, Oil & Gas
Engineering Ice Stupas Climate, Emerging Tech January 25, 2023 Kristina Lyons Climate Adaptation
Rare Earth Elements: A Resource Constraint of the Energy Transition Clean Energy, Emerging Tech May 18, 2021 Oscar Serpell, Wan-Yi “Amy” Chu, Benjamin Paren Natural Resources
Electricity Storage and Renewables: How Investments Change as Technology Improves Clean Energy, Emerging Tech April 26, 2021 Christian Kaps, Simone Marinesi, Serguei Netessine Offshore Wind, Onshore Wind, Storage
Climate Tech for Real Estate: The Elephant in the Room Cities & Buildings, Emerging Tech March 16, 2021 Stephen Rothstein Finance & Investment
The Essential Role of Negative Emissions in Getting to Carbon Neutral Greenhouse Gas Removal, Fossil Fuels, Emerging Tech April 30, 2020 Jennifer Wilcox Carbon Capture, Coal, Emissions
Feasibility of Seasonal Storage for a Fully Electrified Economy Emerging Tech, Clean Energy April 21, 2020 Oscar Serpell, Wan-Yi “Amy” Chu, Benjamin Paren, Giridhar Sankar Storage
Powering Our Future with Trash Emerging Tech, Electricity March 21, 2019 Richard Ling Emissions, Waste
Energy and the Blockchain: Opportunities and Challenges for Climate and Energy Governance Emerging Tech March 15, 2018 Oscar Serpell Electricity Markets, Energy Efficiency, Energy Security, Grids
PG&E Battery Demonstration Electricity, Emerging Tech February 27, 2017 Thomas Lee Storage
Economics and Policy of Large-Scale Battery Storage Emerging Tech, Markets & Regulation June 13, 2016 Mark Jacobsen Storage
Developing the High-Res Grid Electricity, Emerging Tech June 3, 2016 Christina Simeone Grids
NRC Staff Raises Alarm on Widespread Nuclear Plant Design Flaw Emerging Tech, Clean Energy March 30, 2016 Christina Simeone Public Health, Regulation

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