Penn at COP
Since organizing its first official delegation in 2021, Penn has been an active participant in the research and independent non-governmental organizations group (RINGO). Faculty, students, fellows, and staff apply for a limited number of week-long badges to engage in various roles, from contributing to committee work and supporting negotiations to implementing partnership programs and presenting at side-events.
The Kleinman Center for Energy Policy and Perry World House co-organize the delegation, with the Kleinman Center serving as the central hub for all UNFCCC-related communications and badge coordination. Through their diverse contributions, Penn attendees play a vital role in advancing global climate solutions.
Penn at COP29
Read reflections from the delegation of Penn climate and energy leaders that attended COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan.
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As the leading body on campus, the Kleinman Center for Energy Policy serves as the key focal point for all UNFCCC news and meeting information.
- Informational note to intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations regarding the UNCCC SB 62 in Bonn, Germany, June 16 – 26, 2025. If you are interested in attending, please submit this form. Please submit by Wednesday, March 5, 2025 at 12:00PM ET. (February 6, 2025)
- Notification to Parties and Observers regarding the Thematic focus of the 2025 Dialogue on Action for Climate Empowerment. The deadline for submissions to inform this year’s ACE Dialogue, including suggestions for proposed speakers and lists of guiding questions, is Thursday, 28 February 2025. (January 30, 2025)
- The secretariat is pleased to share with Parties and Observers, the attached letter on behalf of the President-Designate of COP29/CMP19/CMA6 on the action agenda. (September 17, 2024)
- RINGO, along with leadership from the other 8 constituencies met with the COP 28 and COP 29 presidencies. Discussed in meeting include negotiations: The presidency provided feedback on recent HOD and ministerial meetings and thoughts on progress towards alignment on outcomes. The joint letter from the constituencies to the presidency regarding pavilion spaces and in particular the civil society pavilion that has been a priority of several of our fellow constituencies (ENGO, TUNGO, WGC, Youth).We all developed a greater understanding of how the constituencies (and respective members) have different needs and priorities with respect to pavilions. The constituencies will consult with each other and this will be revisited at next month’s meeting. The presidency will provide RINGO with an accounting of universities and research institutions that were granted space in the Blue Zone. If you received a blue zone pavilion and can let us know at, that would be appreciated. Logistical challenges were raised including accommodations, accessibility of the venue and badges. With respect to accommodation – challenges raised included having bookings cancelled and being told to move to platform as well as non-refundable deposits – in particular a challenge with lower quotas. We drew the presidency’s attention to the letter RINGO sent to ES Stiell highlighting the potential need to cancel accommodation reservations. The Presidency indicated that they will organize another meeting and include their logistical teams so that the challenges and concerns can be better addressed. Upcoming activities of the Presidency Troika (COP 28, 29 and 30 presidencies) -see July letter to parties and observers. Also discussed were presidency initiatives and pledges. Also – see the end of the most recent presidency letter to parties and observers for a list and dates of thematic days. (September 4, 2024)
- Please refer to the letter that RINGO sent to ES Stiell on Friday. RINGO is concerned about the way in which the quota allocation has been revised, the lack of transparency and the impact it will have on civil society engagement as well as concerned that the intended goals will not be fulfilled. We have requested that the allocations be revisited among other requests. (September 4, 2024)
- A message to Parties and Observers regarding the topic to be discussed at the second hybrid dialogue under the United Arab Emirates Just Transition Work Programme (UAE JTWP) in 2024. (July 30, 2024)
- A letter regarding the COP Presidencies Troika from the incoming COP 29 Presidency. (July 23, 2024)
- A message from the co-chairs of the Adaptation Committee regarding the surveys to inform work on technical guidance and training materials to support implementation of the UAE Framework for Global Climate Resilience. The deadline for completing both surveys is Monday 12 August 2024. (July 19, 2024)
- Information from the secretariat about COP29: 1) All foreign participants entering Azerbaijan for COP 29 and the pre-sessionals must have a passport valid for at least six months from the date of entry into Azerbaijan. 2) All COP 29 participants traveling from outside Azerbaijan will require a visa, regardless of their national passport. 3) The Azerbaijan Government has authorized an electronic, free-of-charge “COP 29 Special Visa”, for all COP 29 Azerbaijan registered participants.4) The COP 29 Special Visa allows the holder a single-entry visit. Should you wish to leave Azerbaijan and return during COP29 you must re-apply for the COP 29 Special Visa following the same process as you used previously, using your UNFCCC registration number. 5) Upon approval of registration via the UNFCCC Online Registration System, participants will receive a link to apply for the visa as part of the UNFCCC registration confirmation email. 6) The COP 29 Special Visa will indicate the date of issue and be valid until 30 November 2024. Visa holders must enter the Republic of Azerbaijan before this date. 7) Through the link, please visit the visa portal, fill out the form, upload the required documents, and submit it for approval. Once approved, you will receive the visa confirmation email with a link to download your COP29 Special Visa. 8) Participants are strongly encouraged to apply for the COP29 Special Visa promptly once their UNFCCC registration is confirmed. Please use the visa portal link in your UNFCCC registration email to track the status of your visa. For queries concerning visa arrangements, please contact: (July 8, 2024)
- An invitation for submissions regarding the Eleventh technical expert dialogue and third meeting under the ad hoc work programme on the new collective quantified goal on climate finance. (July 5, 2024)
- A message from Her Excellency Razan Al Mubarak, High-Level Champion of the COP 28 Presidency, and Ms. Nigar Arpadarai, High-Level Champion of the incoming COP 29 Presidency, calling for inputs to reflect on the progress made by the High-Level Champions and the Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action. (June 4, 2024)
- The Government of Azerbaijan, through its accommodation provider Bnetwork, has made special efforts to secure sufficient accommodation rooms for all delegates in Baku. Accommodation bookings are facilitated by Bnetwork and access to online booking website is available here for all COP registered participants.(May 24, 2024)
- Message from the co-chairs of the ad hoc work program on the new collective quantified goal on climate finance on the tenth technical expert dialogue and the second meeting under the ad hoc work programme on the new collective quantified goal on climate finance. (May 10, 2024)
- Message from the co-chairs of the Sharm El-Sheikh Dialogue on the first workshop under the Sharm el-Sheikh dialogue in 2024. (May 10, 2024)
- A message from the co-chairs of the Sharm el-Sheikh dialogue on the scope of Article 2, paragraph 1(c), and its complementarity with Article 9 of the Paris Agreement. (May 6, 2024)
- Call for Input: Expert Dialogue on Children and Climate Change. (April 26, 2024)
- Reminder: Online Registration System (ORS) remains open for the nomination of participants from admitted IGOs and NGOs for the United Nations Climate Change Conference, 3 – 13 June 2024 in Bonn, Germany (SB 60), until Sunday, 31 March 2024, 23:59, Central European Time (CET). Please see the attached Information Note for further details. (March 27, 2024)
- UN Climate Change Quarterly Report: Q4 2023 (March 25, 2024)
- Message to Parties and Observers: Call for input on the Second Review of the Paris Committee on Capacity-Building. (March 11, 2024)
- An Information Note from the UNFCCC secretariat regarding the opening of the online registration system for the United Nations Climate Change Conference (SB 60) to be held from 3 – 13 June 2024 in Bonn, Germany. If you’d like to be considered, please contact the Kleinman Center by March 15th. (February 29, 2024)
- The secretariat is pleased to inform admitted IGOs and admitted NGOs that the timelines for the selection process of side events at the 60th Session of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice and the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SB 60) have been announced on our official webpage. As indicated on the website, the application period will open on Tuesday, 27 February 2024, and close on Friday, 1 March 2024. Please note that Side Events and Exhibits Online Registration System (SEORS) is the only channel used by the secretariat to receive side event applications. You can find side events eligibility and selection criteria on the official UNFCCC website: Side events eligibility criteria. (February 6, 2024)
- A message to UN, IGOs, NGOs, and other NPS on behalf of the co-chairs of the Sharm el-Sheikh mitigation ambition and implementation work programme regarding the invitation for submission on suggested topics of the Sharm el-Sheikh mitigation ambition and implementation work programme in 2024. Interested participants from observers, and other non-Party stakeholders are encouraged to submit via the submission portal by 1 February 2024. (January 29, 2024)
- COP28 Onsite Guide: Important Information. (November 14, 2023)
- The COP 28 host Government has endeavored to secure sufficient hotel rooms for all delegates. Bookings for accommodations are managed by Bnetwork, and the online booking site can be accessed here. The UAE is offering a wide selection of accommodation options to suit every budget. Currently, there are over 800 properties operating in Dubai, ranging from 1-star to 5- star hotels and serviced apartments. Additionally, the UAE’s capital Abu Dhabi, located one hour away from the event venue, features a wide range of accommodation options, with over 230 hotels and resorts plus serviced apartments available, ranging from 1-star to 5-star. Registered participants who have not already done so are urged to book their accommodation for their time at COP 28 as soon as possible. (November 3, 2023)
- A message to UN and IGOs regarding the provisional agendas and annotations for COP 28/CMP 18/CMA 5/SBSTA 59 and SBI 59 which can be accessed here. (October 6, 2023)
- The Synthesis report on views on elements for the consideration of output component of the first global stocktake has been published on 4 October 2023. The report can be accessed on the UNFCCC Global Stocktake site or via this link Synthesis Report on Views on Elements for Consideration of Outputs Phase. (October 6, 2023)
- A message from the co-chair of the Katowice Committee on Impacts regarding the call for inputs on guidelines and policy frameworks to promote a just transition of the workforce and the creation of decent work and quality jobs. As indicated in the message, Parties, and observers are kindly requested to send their inputs by 18 October 2023 to copying (September 19, 2023)
- A message to Parties and observers from the UNFCCC Executive Secretary regarding the UN Climate Change Quarterly Report: Q2 2023. (September 14, 2023)
- The co-facilitators of the technical dialogue (TD) of the first Global Stocktake under the Paris Agreement (GST1) have published the synthesis report on the UNFCCC website which is available here. The co-facilitators invite observers to follow the virtual launch of their GST1/TD synthesis report on Tuesday, 12 September 2023 from 15:30 to 17:00 Central European Summer Time (CEST). To watch the broadcast on YouTube, click here: (September 8, 2023)
- On behalf of the co-facilitators of the technical dialogue of the first global stocktake under the Paris Agreement (GST1), the secretariat would like to inform observer organizations admitted by the Conference of the Parties, that their synthesis report of the technical dialogue of the first global stocktake is currently on track to be published on 8 September 2023. As previously indicated, the co-facilitators will be organizing a virtual informal meeting on the summary report following the third meeting of the technical dialogue of GST1 (TD 1.3) at SB58, and the aforementioned synthesis report, which is provisionally planned for Tuesday, 12 September from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Central European Summer Time (TBC). Please visit the GST website for regular updates on the process and activities of the global stocktake. (September 5, 2023)
- Message to Intergovernmental and Non-governmental Organizations: Quote Allocation (August 15, 2023)
- The UAE government, through our accommodation provider bnetwork, has secured several hotel rooms in Dubai at competitive rates. The UAE government has published the booking portal link via the COP28 official site. Please submit your requests through the booking portal, and we will do our best to accommodate your preferences, considering specific requirements wherever possible. bnetwork will review all requests and contact you to confirm your allocation and the necessary terms and conditions. Delegations are encouraged to submit their requests to bnetwork as soon as possible to facilitate smooth accommodation arrangements. Please note that the UAE Government will not cover the cost of accommodation (June 8, 2023).
- Message to Parties and observers regarding Recognition and Accountability Framework for non-Party stakeholder climate action (June 5, 2023).
- Message to Parties and observers from the UNFCCC Executive Secretary regarding the UN Climate Change Quarterly Report: Q1 2023 (May 9, 2023).
- Message to admitted observer organizations to attend the virtual informal consultations on arrangements for the 3rd meeting of the technical dialogue, which will be held in conjunction with SB 58. The consultations are scheduled for Wednesday, 10 May 2023, from 2.30 p.m. to 4 p.m. CEST (May 5, 2023).
- Message from the Co-chairs of the Ad Hoc Work Programme On The New Collective Quantified Goal on Climate Finance (April 18, 2023).
- Information note regarding COP 28 to be held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, in particular the official rest day during the conference (April 5, 2023).
- Information Note regarding Informal consultations and technical dialogue of the first global Stocktake under the Paris Agreement (April 3, 2023).
- Message regarding the call for poster inputs (April 3, 2023).
- Information Note from the UNFCCC Secretariat regarding the opening of the online registration system for the United Nations Climate Change Conference (SB 58) to be held from 5 – 15 June 2023 in Bonn, Germany (February 23, 2023).
- The timelines for the selection process for holding a side event at the 58th Session of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice and the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SB 58) have been announced on the official webpage. As indicated on the website, the application period will open on Tuesday, 7 March 2023, and close on Friday, 10 March 2023 (February 7, 2023).
- Notification regarding the fifth workshop under the Glasgow-Sharm el-Sheikh work programme on the global goal on adaptation which will take place from 21 to 23 March 2023 (February 7, 2023).
- Message to observer organizations from the co-chairs of the ad hoc work programme on the new collective quantified goal on climate finance (January 20, 2023).
- Information note regarding the appointment of the President-Designate COP 28/CMP 18/CMA 5, His Excellency Dr. Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, Minister of Industry and Advanced Technology and United Arab Emirates Special Envoy for Climate Change (January 12, 2023)
- Message to Parties: Calls for submissions arising from the work in Sharm El-Sheikh (December 21, 2022)
- Information Note: Dates of the United Nations Climate Change Conference (December 21, 2022)
- UNFCCC information session on guidelines and code of conduct. (November 10, 2022)
- A Spanish version of the Observer handbook for COP 27 is available. (November 10, 2022)
- Green Zone guidelines (November 10, 2022)
- Information for COP 27 participants (A-Z) (November 10, 2022)
- A message to observer organizations regarding the scenario notes for the fifty-seventh sessions of the SBSTA (SBSTA 57) and the SBI (SBI 57), to be held from 6 to 12 November 2022 in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt (October 27, 2022)
- An information note regarding the Invitation to the 4th Workshop under the Glasgow-Sharm el-Sheikh Work Programme on the Global Goal on Adaptation which will take place on 5 November 2022 (October 27, 2022)
- Message from the co-chairs of the ad hoc work programme on the new collective quantified goal on climate finance (October 7, 2022)
- Information Note: Informal consultations and technical dialogue of the first global stocktake under the Paris Agreement (October 6, 2022)
- The synthesis report of the structured expert dialogue on the second periodic review of the long-term global goal. (September 30, 2022)
- A summary report on the third meeting of the structured expert dialogue held during SB 56. (September 30, 2022)
- Global Stocktake Climate Datathon (September 30, 2022)
- Video: The first meeting of the technical dialogue of the first global stocktake at SB 56 (September 30, 2022)
- A notification regarding the third meeting of the Article 6.4 Supervisory Body (September 28, 2022)
- A message from the Director of the Mitigation division (September 28, 2022)
- Information note to Parties and observer States regarding enhancements on the secretariat’s main website (September 19, 2022)
- A message from the Chair of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice, and the Chair of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation, regarding the submission of inputs to the first global Stocktake. (July 19, 2022)
- A message to Parties and observers from the UNFCCC secretariat regarding the Call for Inputs by the Katowice Committee of Experts on the Impacts of the Implementation of Response Measures. (July 15, 2022)
- A message from the Co-Chairs of the ad hoc work program on the third and fourth Technical Expert Dialogue under the ad hoc work program on the new Collective Quantified Goal on Climate Finance. (July 14, 2022)
- A notification regarding the 1st meeting of the Article 6.4 Supervisory Body that will take place in Bonn, Germany from 25 to 28 July 2022. (July 6, 2022)
- The secretariat has prepared a synthesis report based on the article 6.8 submissions. The report can be accessed at: (May 24, 2022)
- Decision 4/CMA.3 requested the secretariat to organize an in-session workshop in conjunction with the 56th session of the SBSTA. The agenda can be accessed at: Observers that would like to present on the views and information on matter referred to in paragraph 6 of decision 4/CMA.3 at the workshop. Please inform colleagues by Monday, 30 May 2022 via mailing (May 24, 2022)
- RINGO is accepting nominations for WIM ExCom16 meeting. Please refer to the RINGO application and UNFCCC registration form as well as the notification. (May 24, 2022)
- RINGO is accepting nominations for PCCB6 meeting. Please refer to the RINGO application and UNFCCC registration form as well as the notification. (May 24, 2022)
- RINGO is accepting nominations to attend SCF28. Please refer to the RINGO application and UNFCCC registration form as well as the notification. (May 24, 2022)
- Information note for a virtual Information event and synthesis reports by adaptation-related constituted bodies prepared for the first global stocktake under the Paris Agreement. (May 24, 2022)
- Technical workshops on issues related to the implementation of Article 6, paragraph 2 of the Paris Agreement will take place from 16 to 19 May 2022. Draft agendas with guiding questions are posted on the workshops’ page. (May 11, 2022)
- Information Note on the activities and documents related to the global stocktake (GST) under the Paris Agreement (May 6, 2022)
- SB Chairs’ Informal Meeting on the Glasgow–Sharm El-Sheikh Work Programme on the Global Goal on Adaptation: The meeting will be held on Thursday, 5 May 16.00 – 17.30 CEST. Further information on the SB Chairs’ plans for the work programme can be found in their informal note.
- Seeking Nominations to the RINGO Steering Committee (March 9, 2022)
- A joint message from the Chairs of the Subsidiary Bodies on the call for inputs for the First Global Stocktake (February 25, 2022)
- Message to Observer Organizations and Non-party Stakeholders from the Chair of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (January 27, 2022)
- A message calling for submissions arising from the work in Glasgow (January 27, 2022)
- The UNFCCC Secretariat has informed RINGO of an opportunity for a limited number of researchers working on global stocktake issues to attend a meeting with the co-facilitators of the technical dialogue of the first global stock take. This meeting will take place on Tuesday, 18 January 2021 at 17:00 CET. It will focus on expectations and possible contributions to the meetings of the technical dialogue, which will start in June 2022. To be selected by RINGO to attend this meeting, applicants must already be well informed about the GST and ready to contribute ideas to the discussion. This meeting will not be a briefing from the co-facilitators. If you want to apply to attend, please send a short email (2 paragraphs max) to describing your work on GST and how you would contribute to the co-facilitators’ preparation of the technical dialogue on the first GST. You may attach a CV or list of GST projects/publications that you/your organization are doing. The deadline is next Monday, December 13, 2021 midnight ET. Notification on selection decisions will be made by the end of next week. (December 10, 2021)
- Call for Inputs by the Katowice Committee of Experts on the Impacts of the Implementation of Response Measures (December 6, 2021)
- Message to Parties and Observers: NDC numbers (November 4, 2021)
- Message to Parties and Observers: Ensuring transparent and inclusive access to negotiation rooms by all Parties and, where applicable, observers in compliance with COVID-19 measures (November 4, 2021)
- Penn Social Media Guidance: COP26 (November 1, 2021)
- A message from the High-Level Champions regarding an improved Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action for enhancing ambition (November 1, 2021)
- Informal SBSTA workshop on Transparency Reporting Tables and Formats (October 25, 2021)
- Information Note: Invitation to the SBSTA informal technical workshop on development of common reporting tables and formats related to the enhanced transparency framework (October 25, 2021)
- COVID-19 Measures at COP26 Q&A (October 25, 2021)
- COP Presidency Breifing (October 22, 2021)
- Informal technical expert dialogues on Article 6 of the Paris Agreement (September 22, 2021)
- Notification to Intergovernmental and Non-governmental Organizations: United Nations Climate Change Conference (September 20, 2021)
- A communication from the UNFCCC secretariat conveying a joint message from the Chairs of the Subsidiary Bodies regarding a call for inputs to the First Global Stocktake. (September 15, 2021)
- The secretariat is ***urgently*** reminding registered participants of the visa arrangements made by the Government of the United Kingdom. Please reference this guide to immigration and visa requirements for those attending COP26. (September 9, 2021)
- A message to Parties and observer states, United Nations and observer organizations from the Chair of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice regarding research and systematic observations submissions (September 8, 2021)
- Global call for innovative policy solutions in averting, minimizing and addressing loss and damage due to slow onset events (August 24, 2021)
- Twenty-fifth meeting of the Standing Committee on Finance (August 18, 2021)
- Request for Information (RFI): Climate Change and Health (August 18, 2021)
- On Demand Viewing: Informal multilateral exchange of views on the Review of the Functions of the SCF and 7th Review of the Financial Mechanism – 5 & 6 August 2021 (August 9, 2021)
- COP 25 Presidency will convene the Informal Presidency workshop on the Global Goal on Adaptation [Africa RCW Session]: Tuesday, 17 August, 13:00 – 15:00 (CEST). Further information can be found here. (August 6, 2021)
- Please find the live broadcast links for the informal multilateral exchange of views on the Review of the Functions of the SCF and 7th Review of the Financial Mechanism to be held on: 5 August 2021 from 21:00 – 00:00 CEST and 6 August 2021 from 13:00 – 16:00 CEST. (August 5, 2021)
- Information Note from the UNFCCC secretariat regarding visa arrangements for COP 26 to be held in Glasgow, United Kingdom from 31 October to 12 November 2021 (July 27, 2021)
- Presidencies’ Amended Second Discussion paper on the Santiago Network (July 23, 2021)
- Email from RINGO Constituency to the UNFCCC: Apply to be Nominated for AC20 (July 23, 2021)
- A Message to Parties and observers regarding an extension to the deadline to the call for Inputs by the Katowice Committee of Experts on the Impacts of the Implementation of Response Measures (July 22, 2021)
- COP26 President-Designate Letter to Parties and Observers: COP26 Expectations and July Ministerial Discussions (July 15, 2021)
- Notification of COP 26 to admitted observer organizations, including pertinent information on the opening of the online registration system. And message from the Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC. (June 28, 2021)
- Notification regarding a webinar on adaptation communications to be held on 30 June 2021 from 12:30–2:00 p.m. Central European Summer Time. (June 22, 2021)
- Note from the Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC regarding early opening of the United Nations Climate Change Conference (June 18, 2021)
- Call for Inputs by the Katowice Committee of Experts on the Impacts of the Implementation of Response Measures (June 18, 2021)
- Email updates: Week of June 14 (June 18, 2021)
- The second RINGO coordination meeting, which will feature review and discussion of last week’s activities and two presentations by fellow RINGOs will be held on June 7th. More information can be found here. (June 7, 2021)
- Email updates: Week of May 31 (June 4, 2021)
- Training materials and the link to the Platform of May-June 2021 sessions (May 25, 2021)
- The ORS is available. The ORS user manual for admitted observer organizations (IGOs and NGOs) contains helpful information and guidelines on how to use the system. (May 18, 2021)
- The revised schedule has been uploaded on the conference page. (May 14, 2021)
- The Informal Presidency workshop on the Global Goal on Adaptation [LatAM RCW Session] has been rescheduled. It will now take place Wednesday, 19 May from 16:00 – 18:00 CEST. Further information on the event including the registration form for the workshop can be found on the Governing Bodies page and in this paper. (May 12, 2021)
- Information Note: Schedule of meetings and updated information, May–June 2021 Climate Change Conference Sessions of the Subsidiary Bodies
- Email to Penn Partners: Climate Change Conference SBs: Nomination Information (May 11, 2021)
- May 19, 2021 Event: Pathways to Carbon Neutrality: United States, European Union, and China (May 10, 2021)
- Information Note: Plans for informal activities of the COP 25 Presidency, COP 26 incoming Presidency and the Chairs of the SBSTA and the SBI (May 5, 2021)
- Information Note: Workshop on the Global Goal on Adaptation 14 May 2021 (May 5, 2021)
- May–June 2021 Climate Change Conference Sessions of the Subsidiary Bodies (April 30, 2021)
- Adaptation Committee webinar on the global goal on adaptation 11 May 2021 (April 29, 2021)
- Information event on the work of the Least Developed Countries Expert Group in supporting the least developed countries on adaptation (April 29, 2021)
- Adaptation Finance Bulletin (April 28, 2021)
- Message to Parties: Submissions related to the fourth review of the Adaptation Fund. (April 23, 2021)
- Announcement: Informal meeting of the SB Chairs with Observers on April 29, 2021 at 15:00-16:15. Link to join. (April 23, 2021)
- A message from the Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC regarding outcomes of the meeting of the COP/CMP/CMA Bureau held on 15 April 2021 (April 19, 2021)
- Overview of UNFCCC activities planned for April 2021 (April 14, 2021)
- CPD Letter to all Parties (April 13, 2021)
- The SBSTA and SBI Chairs are pleased to invite United Nations organizations and admitted observer organizations to follow the informal consultations on the Koronivia joint work on agriculture, to be convened virtually on Tuesday, 13 April 2021, from 14:00 to 15:30 CEST. The consultations may be followed via broadcast from this link. (April 5, 2021)
- **This event has been postponed. The secretariat refers to the information note circulated on 15 March 2021 regarding the plans for informal activities of the COP 25 Presidency, COP 26 incoming Presidency and the Chairs of the SBSTA and the SBI. The SBI Chair is pleased to invite Parties to actively participate in informal consultations on matters relating to the least developed countries, to be convened virtually on Monday, 12 April 2021, from 13:00 to 14:30 CEST. United Nations organizations and admitted observer organizations will be able to attend the meeting via broadcast from this link. (March 30, 2021)
- Informal consultations on the matters related to the fourth review of the Adaptation Fund, originally planned to be convened on 31 March, has been postponed to 14 April, 22:00-23:30 CEST. This link should be used for attending this meeting as an observer. (March 26, 2021)
- Information Note from the UNFCCC secretariat regarding plans for informal activities of the COP 25 Presidency, COP 26 incoming Presidency and the Chairs of the SBSTA and the SBI (March 18, 2021)
- Event: Informal consultations on the Review of the Doha work programme on Article 6 of the Convention Wednesday, 31 March 2021, from 22:00 to 23:30 CET. United Nations organizations and admitted observer organizations will be able to attend the meeting via broadcast. (March 18, 2021)
- Event: Informal consultations on the matters related to the fourth review of the Adaptation Fund Wednesday, 24 March 2021, from 11:00 to 12:30 CET. Registration open until Tuesday, 23 March 2021, 19:00 CET. (March 18, 2021)
- Message to Parties and Observers: Outcomes of the meeting of the Bureau on 25 February 2021 (March 4, 2021)
- Applications are open for the 2021 Global Climate ActionAward. (February 18, 2021)
- The UK has opened the process and opportunities for involvement via UK spaces for COP 26. Please see the website here and a downloadable resource here. The application period is now open and will close at 17:00 (GMT), 5 March 2021. The links to apply can be found on the website. (February 12, 2021)
- Guidelines for Virtual Participation in the Climate Dialouges (November 23, 2020)
- Presidency’s Open Dialogue Agenda (November 18, 2020)
- Registration for a general audience is now open. All participants who wish to access the virtual conference site once the Dialogues start, in order to be able to watch events, take part in online Q&As, network with other participants and visit exhibition booths, need to register here. Broadcasts will be accessible via the virtual conference site. Registration can be processed any time even shortly before the event starts or during the event. It is however recommended to register this week. (November 17, 2020)
- Virtual Participation Guide for the Climate Dialogues (November 17, 2020)
- EVENT: November 23, 2020 at 11:00AM— Briefing by the SB Chairs with Observers
- EVENT: November 4, 2020: at 11:00AM— Climate Dialouges. It will be broadcast to all observers here
- Call for Inputs by the Katowice Committee of Experts on the Impact of the Implementation of Response Measures (August 6, 2020)
- Invitation to the Online Platform on Sustainable and Resilient Recovery from COVID 19 (July 6, 2020)
- Message to Parties and Observers: Postponement of SBs 52 (June 22, 2020)
- Information Note: Call for Input to the SCF Forum (June 22, 2020)
- June Momentum Live Broadcast and Request for Questions (May 28, 2020)
- Information Regarding New Dates for COP 26 (May 28, 2020)
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If your work is energy or climate-related, and you are interested in receiving updates about UNFCCC proceedings and announcements, please sign up below.