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Pennsylvania’s Gas Decade Fossil Fuels October 27, 2017 Christina Simeone Electricity Markets, Fracking, Oil & Gas
Tilting at Windmills: The Emerging U.S. Offshore Wind Energy Industry Renewables October 5, 2017 Brandon Burke Offshore Wind
Reconciling Subsidized Resources: In PJM’s Competitive Electricity Markets Electricity, Markets & Regulation August 24, 2017 Christina Simeone, Angela Pachon Electricity Markets
Energy Storage in PJM: Exploring Frequency Regulation Market Transformation Electricity, Markets & Regulation July 27, 2017 Thomas Lee Electricity Markets, Regulation, Storage
Hot Topics on Climate Change Climate June 28, 2017 Roberto Schaeffer Emissions, International
Why Some Nations Choose Nuclear Power Nuclear June 23, 2017 Katherine Smith, Reto Gieré Emissions, Energy Security, International
The Carbon Tax: A Bargain for Conservatives Climate, Fossil Fuels May 31, 2017 Dillon Weber Carbon Pricing & Offsets, Politics, Regulation
PJM Governance: Can Reforms Improve Outcomes? Electricity, Markets & Regulation May 19, 2017 Christina Simeone Electricity Markets, Regulation
Ending Fossil Fuel Tax Subsidies Fossil Fuels, Markets & Regulation April 27, 2017 Gilbert Metcalf Oil & Gas, Regulation, Subsidies
Comparative Pathways to Regional Energy Transition Fossil Fuels, Climate March 31, 2017 Mark Alan Hughes, Cornelia Colijn, Oscar Serpell Emissions, Grids, Oil & Gas, Pennsylvania
Energy Market Shock Absorbers Markets & Regulation March 23, 2017 Joe Aldy Electricity Markets, Regulation
Stalled: Make Big Trucks More Fuel Efficient Transportation March 15, 2017 Steve Viscelli Energy Efficiency
PG&E Battery Demonstration Electricity, Emerging Tech February 27, 2017 Thomas Lee Storage
Aligning Local Logic with Global Need Climate February 3, 2017 Oscar Serpell Climate Adaptation
Future Energy Demands on the Global Aviation Industry Transportation, Fossil Fuels January 11, 2017 Megan Ryerson Aviation


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