Our Courses

The Kleinman Center offers an extensive curriculum for graduate students through our Certificate in Energy Management and Policy. Below is a list of Penn courses that qualify for the Certificate Program including Kleinman Center sponsored courses: Introduction to Energy Policy and Topics in Energy Policy.

Featured Course

Introduction to Energy Policy

ENMG 5020

Shelley Welton

This course provides an advanced introduction to the design and delivery of energy policy at various levels of government in the U.S. and elsewhere.

CourseSchoolDepartmentCourse CodeTrack
Advanced Transportation Seminar: Air Transportation Planning Weitzman CPLN 750 Regional Energy Planning
Agent-Based Modeling and SimulationSEASESE520Regional Energy Planning
Carbon CaptureSEASCBE505Foundation
Cities and SustainabilitySASURBS417Regional Energy Planning
Climate Policy and TechnologySEASEAS505Foundation
Developing Environmental PolicySASENVS620Energy Law and Policy
Electricity and Systems MarketsSEASEAS506Energy Markets, Risk, and Finance
Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage SEAS CBE 545Foundation
Energy Engineering in Power Plants and Transportation SystemsSEASMEAM502**
Energy FinanceWhartonFNCE756Energy Markets, Risk, and Finance
Energy Law and Climate ChangeCarey LawLAW919Energy Law and Policy
Energy Markets & PolicyWhartonBEPP763Energy Markets, Risk, and Finance
Energy Storage & Technology, Materials for Energy and Environmental SustainabilitySEASMSE545**
Energy Systems and PolicySEASEAS503Energy Law and Policy
Energy, Waste, and the EnvironmentSASENVS644Foundation
Environmental LawCarey LawLAW634Energy Law and Policy
Environmental Management, Law and PolicyWhartonLGST815Energy Law and Policy
Geopolitics of Energy in Russia and Eurasia
*Cross-listed as REES 504
WeitzmanENMG508Energy Law and Policy; Energy Markets, Risk, and Finance
Ideas in Energy PolicyWeitzman ENMG507Foundation
Introduction to Energy PolicyWeitzman ENMG5020Required
Introduction to Environmental Planning & PolicyWeitzman CPLN531Regional Energy Planning
Land Use LawCarey LawLAW695Energy Law and Policy
Oil and Gas LawCarey LawLAW985Energy Law and Policy
Public EconomicsSASGAFL621Energy Markets, Risk, and Finance
Public Finance and Public PolicySASGAFL514Energy Markets, Risk, and Finance
Regulatory Law and PolicyCarey LawLAW931Energy Law and Policy
Risk Analysis and Environmental ManagementWhartonBEPP761Energy Markets, Risk, and Finance
Risk ManagementWhartonBEPP805Energy Markets, Risk, and Finance
Sustainable CitiesWeitzmanCPLN730Regional Energy Planning
Thinking with ModelsWhartonOIDD5250Energy Markets, Risk, and Finance; Regional Energy Planning
Topics in Energy Policy: Emerging Ideas in EnergyWeitzmanENMG503Foundation
Topics in Theory and DesignWeitzmanLARP780Regional Energy Planning