It is impossible to discuss energy without acknowledging the climate impact of the way we power our buildings, cities, vehicles, and industries. As we imagine our energy future, we must do so with the recognition that climate change will transform how we move and power our lives.
Recent Work
On the road to carbon neutrality in 2050, the European Union (EU) has recently adopted a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) to address carbon leakage from international trade. The CBAM raises new challenges. It should be appropriately designed to level the playing field within and outside the EU, and it has the potential to export decarbonization outside the EU’s borders.
In vast arid and semi-arid regions of the world, the meltwater originating from the cryosphere represents a life-sustaining water source. One adaptive strategy, transferred from the Indian Himalayas to the Chilean Andes, may help alleviate glacier loss and drought.
While the proliferation of net-zero targets represents progress toward reaching our global climate goals, targets vary enormously in quality. This report proposes four governance tools to steer net-zero targets toward higher integrity.
On the path to net zero, states face challenges unique to their local geography and resources. In this case study, we explore four custom pathways for Nevada.
Featured Researcher
Oscar Serpell
Associate Director of Academic Programming
Oscar Serpell oversees student engagement activities, new student programming, and alumni connections. He also participates in several key research projects at the center and also writes blog posts and policy digests on timely energy policy topics.
Featured Researcher
Michael Mann
Presidential Distinguished Professor
Michael E. Mann is the Presidential Distinguished Professor in the Department of Earth and Environmental Science, with a secondary appointment in the Annenberg School for Communication. He is a faculty fellow with the Kleinman Center for Energy Policy.
Kleinman Center Event
The Misunderstood Politics of the Energy Transition
David B. Spence
Thursday, September 26, 2024 | 12:00PM - 1:30PM