
It is impossible to discuss energy without acknowledging the climate impact of the way we power our buildings, cities, vehicles, and industries. As we imagine our energy future, we must do so with the recognition that climate change will transform how we move and power our lives.

Recent Work


Closing the Climate Finance Gap: A Proposal for a New Green Investment Protocol

While international legal agreements protecting foreign investment are much criticized for standing in the way of government efforts to address climate change, these same agreements—if properly deployed—can help close the climate finance gap.


Climate Action in the Age of Great Power Rivalry: What Geopolitics Means for the Climate

This policy digest explores the implications of a world in which climate action depends as much on geopolitics as it does on energy or economics. While great power rivalry generally complicates international responses to climate change, it also presents limited opportunities to enhance climate action.



Cooling People, Not Spaces: Surmounting the Risks of Air-Conditioning Over-Reliance

The growing global demand for air conditioning is exacerbating carbon emissions. This trend will intensify unless alternative solutions are sought and massively adopted. Solutions already exist and new ones are emerging, but face barriers include technology, building design, education, finance, and policy.


The Net-Zero Governance Conveyor Belt

While the proliferation of net-zero targets represents progress toward reaching our global climate goals, targets vary enormously in quality. This report proposes four governance tools to steer net-zero targets toward higher integrity.

Energy Week
Conversation Kleinman Center Event

Conservative and Concerned About Climate Change? You’re Not Alone


Bob Inglis, Michael Mann


Thursday, February 13, 2025 | 12:30PM - 1:30PM


Sanya Carley