About the Program

The Kleinman Center invites practitioners to Penn for year-long collaborative visits.

Our senior fellows program brings distinguished practitioners to the Kleinman Center for year-long fellowships to enrich their own learning and professional development—while expanding the center’s expertise areas and research agenda. A Kleinman Center senior fellow has proven expertise in their field with specialized experience as a policy maker, regulator, industry leader, or analyst.

A senior fellowship provides opportunities for exploring energy policy interests at the University of Pennsylvania, collaborating with faculty, and connecting with students.

Call for Senior Fellow Nominations

The Kleinman Center for Energy Policy seeks nominations for senior fellows.

Learn more and apply


Senior fellows may propose their own type of engagement or may engage in existing programming opportunities at the Kleinman Center, such as:

  • Research: Lead a research project on a timely issue, participate in ongoing research project, or collaborate with affiliated faculty on an existing project
  • Workshops, Seminars, and Events: Organize workshops, conferences, seminars, or public events; support Energy Week at Penn; invite speakers to Penn; or speak in a class or seminar.
  • Commentary: Write news articles, op-eds, or insight posts; or participate in the Kleinman Center’s Podcast Energy Policy Now.
  • Teaching and mentorship: Teach a class, speak in a class, or present at a seminar.


This is a paid opportunity, with a stipend that reflects the time and engagement proposed by the senior fellow. Travel expenses are also covered. Fellows agree to visit campus at least once a month if they live in the Mid-Atlantic region, or twice a year if they live outside of the region.

Each senior fellow agrees to a full year of engagement, ideally from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024.

During that time they will produce a certain number of outputs (related to their custom engagement), like policy digests, reports, blogs, op-eds, events, courses, seminar sessions, etc.

Nomination Process

The Kleinman Center will accept nominations by email from March 13 to April 14, 2023. Please send to Angela Pachon at apacho@upenn.edu.

Nominations may be made by an individual or on behalf of another. If the latter, please copy the nominee in your nomination letter. Be sure to include a resume or CV and a brief paragraph explaining the nominee’s commitment to one of the three interest areas listed below,

Selected nominees will then be invited to submit proposals describing the type of engagement they would like to undertake during their fellowship year (deadline: May 1, 2023).

Interest Areas

For 2023, the center has selected the following areas of interest to guide senior fellow applications and potential contributions throughout the year:

Electricity Markets

The Kleinman Center seeks perspectives on policy issues related to electricity markets across the United States. The decarbonization of power systems and the electrification of the economy are creating a myriad of challenges for achieving resilience, reliability, and affordability goals in the electricity sector.

Global Carbon Pricing

The Kleinman Center seeks perspectives on the critical role carbon valuation plays in global climate goals. Carbon pricing has become an important policy tool and is heavily utilized by public and private entities worldwide, but it has yet to be deployed globally.

European Energy

The Kleinman Center seeks perspectives on how European energy markets and supply chains have been reshaped in the wake of the war in Ukraine and the conflict’s longer-term impact on energy geopolitics in Europe. The war has initiated a significant shift in energy use and sourcing, leaving European energy security in balance. It has also opened opportunities for renewable producers and previously disfavored alternative energy sources, like nuclear.