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Undergrad Climate and Energy Policy Seminar

As a part of Energy Week, this week's Undergraduate Energy Seminar with Michael Mann is open to the public for virtual viewing.

A Clean Energy Workforce and the Path to Equity

Visiting Scholar Nikki Luke chronicles how subsidized worker training programs in the South grew a workforce of laborers in utilities, energy efficiency, and solar panel manufacturing.

Are Industry Regulators Ready for the Climate Transition?

Visiting Scholar Meredith Fowlie explores if regulatory regimes are up to the task of coordinating an efficient and equitable climate transition.

Shaping Resource Flows: The Role of Carbon Capture in Meeting Net-Zero Carbon Goals with Jennifer Wilcox

Jennifer Wilcox discusses how carbon capture can help meet net-zero carbon goals and how it relates to shaping resource flows.

The World Today: Oil Markets and Geopolitics of Energy

An expert panel explores how countries manage geopolitical relations amid an energy crisis.

Carbon Removal & Solar Geoengineering Through the Lens of Justice

Explore how carbon removal and solar geoengineering technologies might evolve while breaking away from unjust mechanisms.