Funded Projects

Our researchers explore critical issues and address challenges that have regional, national, and global implications.

About Our Research Grants

Each year, the Kleinman Center for Energy Policy awards grants ranging from $5,000 to $15,000 to support new research or supplement existing research in energy and climate policy.

We seek requests for proposals from University of Pennsylvania faculty, postdocs, and doctoral students for research projects in the areas of energy and climate policy that can leverage Penn research and support the advancement of our mission.

For questions about the research grants program, please email Oscar Serpell.

2025-2026 Call for Grants

The 2025-2026 call for grants is now open! Preference will be given to research on the following topics:

  • State-Based Policies
  • Urban Adaptation
  • Clean Manufacturing
  • Sourcing and Waste Management
  • Grid Resilience and Reliability
  • Comparative Approaches to Decarbonization
  • Global Energy Security
  • Land Management

Please refer to the below PDF to learn more about the grants process, suggested research topics, expected outcomes, and additional details.

How to Apply

Complete and upload your proposal to this form by February 28th, 2025. If you have any questions or issues uploading your proposal, please contact Arwen Kozak (

Awarded Research Projects



Sort by Title Research Areas Sort by Year Researchers Keywords
Water Rights, Droughts and Climate Change on the Future of the American Southwest Climate 2016-2017 Hong Yu Xiao Environment, Water
Humidity Responsive, Water Harvesting and Self-Cooling Building Envelopes Emerging Tech, Cities & Buildings, Electricity 2016-2017 Shu Yang Water
Global Infrastructure Project Research Network Markets & Finance 2015-2016 Witold Henisz Finance & Investment, International
Lighting Dark Corners: Improving Light Efficiency with Kirigami Electricity 2015-2016 Randall Kamien Energy Efficiency
Environmentally Responsive and Energy Efficient Building Skins Cities & Buildings 2015-2016 Shu Yang Energy Efficiency, Environment
Solar Energy Powered Water Purification System in Rwanda Access & Equity, Clean Energy 2015-2016 Jorge J. Santiago-Aviles International, Solar, Water
Gaming the Sustainable City Cities & Buildings 2015-2016 William Braham, Barry Silverman Environment
The Future of Aviation Policy Transportation 2015-2016 Megan Ryerson Aviation, Regulation
A Research Agenda for Tribology Emerging Tech, Electricity 2014-2015 Robert Carpick, Andy Jackson Energy Efficiency
Electric Motorcycles for the Motorcycle City Transportation, Fossil Fuels 2014-2015 Erick Guerra Electric Vehicles, International, Subsidies
Airline Fuel Loading: Existing Airline Practices and Future Federal Regulations Transportation, Fossil Fuels 2014-2015 Megan Ryerson, Mark Hansen Aviation, Emissions, Regulation
The Economics of MPG Claims: Theory and Evidence Transportation, Fossil Fuels 2014-2015 Arthur van Benthem, Sébastien Houde, Kenneth Gillingham Regulation
Best-in-Class Initiative for the Alberta Energy Regulator Markets & Finance, Fossil Fuels 2014-2015 Cary Coglianese International, Oil & Gas, Regulation