Funded Projects

Our researchers explore critical issues and address challenges that have regional, national, and global implications.

About Our Research Grants

Each year, the Kleinman Center for Energy Policy awards grants ranging from $5,000 to $15,000 to support new research or supplement existing research in energy and climate policy.

We seek requests for proposals from University of Pennsylvania faculty, postdocs, and doctoral students for research projects in the areas of energy and climate policy that can leverage Penn research and support the advancement of our mission.

For questions about the research grants program, please email Oscar Serpell.

Awarded Research Projects


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Sort by Title Research Areas Sort by Year Researchers Keywords
A Six Point Plan for Eliminating U.S. Carbon Emissions and Minimizing Climate Costs Climate, Clean Energy 2019-2020 Oscar Serpell Energy Efficiency, Finance & Investment, Land Management, Politics, Regulation, Subsidies
The Politics of Carbon Taxes at the State Level Climate, Markets & Finance 2018-2019 Ioana Marinescu Carbon Pricing & Offsets, Emissions, Politics, Regulation
Oil and Growth: The Role of Commuting in Skill-Biased Technical Change Fossil Fuels, Markets & Finance 2017-2018 Nikolai Roussanov Carbon Pricing & Offsets, Labor, Oil & Gas, Regulation
The Unforeseen Consequences of Regulations: How Past Regulations Affect the Adoption of Innovative Technologies in the Shale Gas Industry Markets & Finance, Fossil Fuels 2017-2018 Paul Décaire Finance & Investment, Fracking, Oil & Gas, Regulation
How to Improve Vehicle Emissions Policies? Transportation 2016-2017 Arthur van Benthem Emissions, Regulation
The Future of Aviation Policy Transportation 2015-2016 Megan Ryerson Aviation, Regulation
Airline Fuel Loading: Existing Airline Practices and Future Federal Regulations Transportation, Fossil Fuels 2014-2015 Megan Ryerson, Mark Hansen Aviation, Emissions, Regulation
The Economics of MPG Claims: Theory and Evidence Transportation, Fossil Fuels 2014-2015 Arthur van Benthem, Sébastien Houde, Kenneth Gillingham Regulation
Best-in-Class Initiative for the Alberta Energy Regulator Markets & Finance, Fossil Fuels 2014-2015 Cary Coglianese International, Oil & Gas, Regulation