Staff & Leadership

Sanya Carley

Faculty Director

Bill Cohen

Center Coordinator

Cornelia Colijn

Executive Director

Arwen Kozak

Research Associate

Thabo Lenneiye

Managing Director of the Sustainable Agriculture Fund

Angela Pachon

Special Advisor

Lindsey Samahon

Communications Director

Oscar Serpell

Associate Director of Academic Programming

Mollie Simon

Senior Communications Specialist

Andy Stone

Energy Policy Now Host and Producer

Kimberle Szczurowski

Financial Administrative Coordinator

Shelley Welton

Presidential Distinguished Professor

Jennifer Wilcox

Presidential Distinguished Professor
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Emerging Tech
Karen Goldberg
Vagelos Professor of Energy Research
Karen Goldberg is the Vagelos Professor of Energy Research and is the director of the Vagelos Institute of Energy Science and Technology (VIEST).
Ken Kulak is a member of the Advisory Board and a former senior fellow at the Kleinman Center.
Thomas Mallouk
Vagelos Professor in Energy Research
Thomas E. Mallouk is a Vagelos Professor in Energy Research and a Professor of Chemistry in the School of Engineering and Applied Science.
Rahul Mangharam
Associate Professor of Electrical and Systems Engineering
Rahul Mangharam is an associate professor of electrical and systems engineering in the School of Engineering and Applies Science.
Benjamin Paren is an alumni research fellow at the Kleinman Center and a postdoctoral research associate in the Research Laboratory of Electronics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Dipti Pitta
Assistant Professor in Ruminant Nutrition
Dipti Pitta is an assistant professor in ruminant nutrition at the School of Veterinary Medicine.
Peter Psarras
Research Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering
Peter Psarras is a research assistant professor in chemical and biomolecular engineering at the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences and the Kleinman Center for Energy Policy.
Oscar Serpell
Associate Director of Academic Programming
Oscar Serpell oversees student engagement activities, new student programming, and alumni connections. He also participates in several key research projects at the center and also writes blog posts and policy digests on timely energy policy topics.
Andy Stone is producer and host of Energy Policy Now, the Kleinman Center’s podcast series. He previously worked in business planning with PJM Interconnection and was a senior energy reporter at Forbes Magazine.
Jen Wilcox is Presidential Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering and Energy Policy. Her research expertise is in carbon capture and sequestration technologies, in order to minimize the negative impacts of fossil fuels.
Shu Yang
Professor of Materials Science and Engineering
Shu Yang is a professor of materials science and engineering and a professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering in the School of Engineering and Applied Science.