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2018 Carnot Prize Policy Lecture and Award Ceremony

On October 19th, the Kleinman Center will award its fourth annual Carnot Prize for distinguished contributions in energy policy to the Honorable Piyush Goyal, Indian minister of railways and coal.

The Fracking Debate: A Conversation with Daniel Raimi

Daniel Raimi, a senior research associate at Resources for the Future, discusses his new book, The Fracking Debate: The Risks, Benefits, and Uncertainties of the Shale Revolution.

Prospects for the Global Oil & Gas Industry

Felipe Arbelaez, regional president for Latin America at BP, shares insights into the technological, economic, behavioral, and environmental trends in the oil and gas industry.

The Evolution of Wholesale Electricity Markets

Andrew Ott, President and CEO of PJM Interconnection, discusses trends in the electricity industry, the latest from FERC and Washington, D.C., electric grid resilience and steps PJM is taking to continue adapting wholesale electricity markets. 

Getting to Zero: Pathways to Zero Carbon Electricity Systems

Jesse Jenkins presents recent research systematically evaluating the role of various low-carbon resources under increasingly stringent CO2 limits and considering a wide range of uncertainty in technology costs, renewable resource quality, and demand patterns.

Unpacking India’s Energy and Carbon Future

Global perceptions of India's climate and energy future are changing rapidly. From a focus on how Indian energy needs could jeopardise climate actions, India can now often be seen as a forerunner of a low carbon future. 


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