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Equity, Justice, Democracy: A Clean Energy Future that Benefits All

Visiting Scholar Chandra Farley discusses building a framework for a community-led, equity-centered clean energy transition that prioritizes broader public participation, distribution, and regulation of our energy system.

Accelerating Electrification: Key Policies to Transform Cars and Trucks

Harvard economist James Stock examines which government policies are most effective in accelerating the transition of the light-duty vehicle fleet to electric.

What Matters for Electrification? Evidence from 70 Years of U.S. Home Heating Choices

The energy transition is moving many in the United States towards electric heating systems, with changing energy prices being the biggest factor in household decisions to switch to an electric system. Join Visiting Scholar Lucas Davis for a closer look.

A Case for Carbon Dioxide Removal from Air

Jennifer Wilcox reviews the promise and pitfalls of using technology to remove CO2 directly from the air.

The Clean Energy Revolution Is (Finally) Here

Daniel Kammen examines how the confluence of technological change and changing social dynamics have finally made clean energy, social justice, and ecological preservation mainstream topics.

Energy Transitions: The Critical Path

What is the critical path we can take to affordably decarbonize energy systems—while ensuring that no one is left behind?
