
Featured Episode

How Identity Politics Shape U.S. Energy Policy

David B. Spence
October 8, 2024
Energy Policy Now offers clear talk on the issues that define our relationship with energy and its impact on society and the environment.


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January 21, 2020 Climate Negotiator Contemplates Future of Paris Agreement Without the U.S. Andrew Light 2020 will be a crucial year for the Paris Agreement. An architect of the climate process considers the implications of the U.S. presidential election, and what might be accomplished in the months ahead.
January 7, 2020 Is Climate Risk Insurable? Carolyn Kousky As climate-related disasters become more severe and frequent, insurers and governments face an economic black hole.
December 10, 2019 Airlines Struggle to Rise to Climate Challenge Andrew Murphy The airline industry has a plan to limit its carbon footprint. Will it deliver?
November 26, 2019 Rethinking Global Emissions Trading Suzi Kerr The Environmental Defense Fund's chief economist discusses a plan that leverages international cooperation to achieve ambitious, and durable greenhouse emissions reductions under the Paris climate framework.
October 29, 2019 The Rise of Partisan Politics in Energy Regulation Cheryl LaFleur Cheryl LaFleur, former commissioner with the U.S.' top electricity and gas market regulator, talks about the growing influence of partisan politics in energy regulation.
September 17, 2019 Climate Denialism, Florida, and the Future of Climate Politics Rafe Pomerance Rafe Pomerance, an early campaigner for climate action and the subject of Nathaniel Rich’s book Losing Earth, discusses the increasingly pivotal role of climate change in U.S. electoral politics.
July 23, 2019 How the Democratic-Republican Climate Rift Became Political Reality Riley Dunlap Over the past half-century, Americans have become increasingly polarized over the issues of environment and climate change. A pioneer in the field of environmental sociology discusses how views on climate have become an essential element of party ideology, and what it means for the 2020 election.
June 25, 2019 Does Attribution Science Give Climate Litigators a Smoking Gun? Michael Burger, Peter Frumhoff Climate attribution science allows connections to be made between extreme weather events and a warming climate. The science is also being used to trace climate change to the activities of specific industries and companies, potentially generating evidence to fuel climate litigation.
June 11, 2019 Three Pathways to Uphold America’s Paris Commitment Matthew Binsted, Brad Townsend Can consumers take the lead in reducing U.S. carbon emissions in the absence of strong federal climate policy? New research takes a look at three aggressive pathways for the U.S. to meet the Paris goals.
April 2, 2019 A Hard Look at Negative Emissions Glen Peters Much faith is being put in the ability of negative emissions technologies to slow the pace of climate change. Glen Peters of Norway’s Center for International Climate Research looks at the potential of negative emissions strategies, and the steep challenges to implementing them.
March 19, 2019 200 Years of Energy History in 30 Minutes Jesús Fernández-Villaverde The current energy transition is fraught with economic and social implications, not to mention abundant political squabbles.  An economist looks at the past 200 years of global energy history and finds that difficult transitions are nothing new.
March 5, 2019 Can Norway’s State Oil Company Be A Climate Champion? Stephen Bull Norway is pursuing a future rich in fossil energy and climate solutions. Can its oil company, Equinor, reconcile these priorities and continue to reliably finance the country’s expansive social welfare system? Equinor’s clean energy chief weighs in.
February 19, 2019 Getting to the Right Carbon Price Dallas Burtraw Bipartisan carbon pricing proposals have started to appear at the national level, which begs a question: what’s the right price for carbon?  An advisor to California and RGGI carbon markets offers insights.
January 22, 2019 Where Does the Defense Department Really Stand on Climate? Mark Nevitt Congress has played down climate change while demanding that the Pentagon tackle climate-related security risks. A former DOD environmental lawyer looks at military efforts to address climate, and political mine fields along the way.
January 8, 2019 Welcome to the Anthropocene, Our New Biogeophysical Home Will Steffen Mankind’s impact on Earth extends well beyond climate change to the broader biosphere, where the conditions that nurtured the development of modern humans are at risk of being lost in a new epoch known as the Anthropocene.

Podcast Producer & Host

Since the first season of our podcast series, Andy Stone has directed each episode of Energy Policy Now—defining topics, inviting guests, and leading informative conversations.


Andy Stone

Energy Policy Now Host and Producer

Andy Stone is producer and host of Energy Policy Now, the Kleinman Center’s podcast series. He previously worked in business planning with PJM Interconnection and was a senior energy reporter at Forbes Magazine.