
Special Advisor

Angela Pachon is currently serving as a special advisor to the Kleinman Center. She was previously the Center’s research director. In this role, she oversaw the research agenda, managed the research grants and the visitor scholar programs, and developed scholarship and research collaborations across campus and beyond. She is also the author and editor of various publications of the Center and has studied issues related to electricity markets in the US, gas policies in Pennsylvania and climate policies in Latin America. Prior to the Kleinman Center, Pachon worked as a policy advisor at the Ontario Energy Board developing incentive regulation for electricity and gas utilities and assessing rate impacts and affordability measures resulting from the implementation of feed-in tariffs. She also worked for NERA Economic Consulting in London, England leading electricity sector reform projects in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East.

Pachon earned her master of science in local economic development from the London School of Economics, England and her B.S. degree from Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, in Bogota, Colombia.

