Maladaptive Behaviors in Response to Energy Insecurity, the Role of LIHEAP during the Pandemic
Chenyi Ma, Dennis P. Culhane | June 1, 2024
The project addresses the problem of maladaptive behaviors (MBs) in response to energy insecurity exacerbated during the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly among low-income and minority households. The project aims to analyze the decision-making processes underlying these behaviors and the effectiveness of the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) in mitigating such responses. Methodology includes analyzing a nationwide dataset of about 20,000 households from the 2020 Residential Energy Consumption Survey, focusing on variables like social-demographic profiles, weather conditions, utility disconnection notices, and LIHEAP impact, employing ordinal logistic regression for analysis.
Chenyi Ma
Research Assistant Professor, SP2
Chenyi Ma is a Research Assistant Professor in the School of Social Policy and Practice. His research aims to contribute to interdisciplinary knowledge of disaster risk reduction and sustainable development.
Dennis P. Culhane
Professor and Dana and Andrew Stone Chair in Social Policy
Dennis Culhane is the Dana and Andrew Stone Chair in Social Policy in the School of Social Policy and Practice. He is a social science researcher with primary expertise in the area of homelessness and assisted housing policy.