Staff & Leadership

Sanya Carley

Faculty Director

Bill Cohen

Center Coordinator

Cornelia Colijn

Executive Director

Arwen Kozak

Research Associate

Thabo Lenneiye

Managing Director of the Sustainable Agriculture Fund

Angela Pachon

Special Advisor

Lindsey Samahon

Communications Director

Oscar Serpell

Associate Director of Academic Programming

Mollie Simon

Senior Communications Specialist

Andy Stone

Energy Policy Now Host and Producer

Kimberle Szczurowski

Financial Administrative Coordinator

Shelley Welton

Presidential Distinguished Professor

Jennifer Wilcox

Presidential Distinguished Professor
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Student Fellow
Eliana Atienza
Undergraduate Seminar Fellow
Eliana Atienza is an undergraduate in the College of Arts and Sciences studying Environmental Studies with a concentration in Environmental Policy and Application. Atienza is also a 2024 Undergraduate Student Fellow.
Alondra Betancourt
Undergraduate Seminar Fellow
Alondra Betancourt is an undergraduate student in the College of Arts and Sciences. Betancourt is also a 2024 Undergraduate Student Fellow.
Rachel Bina
Undergraduate Seminar Fellow
Rachel Bina is in the Huntsman Program in International Studies and Business studying Economics at the Wharton School and International Studies and Russian at the College of Arts and Sciences. Bina is also a 2024 Undergraduate Student Fellow.
Luke Campo
Student Advisory Council Member
Luke Campo is a Kleinman Center Student Advisory Council Member. He is studying International Relations and minoring in Sustainability and Environmental Management in the College of Arts and Sciences. He is also a 2024 Undergraduate Student Fellow.
Grace Dai
Undergraduate Seminar Fellow
Grace Dai is an undergraduate student studying Computational Biology and minoring in Data Science. Dai is also a 2024 Undergraduate Student Fellow.
Spencer Gibbs
Undergraduate Seminar Fellow
Spencer Gibbs is a third-year undergraduate student studying Economics and Philosophy, Politics, & Economics with a concentration in Public Policy and Governance in the College of Arts and Sciences. Gibbs is also a 2024 Undergraduate Student Fellow.
Raja Harith
Undergraduate Seminar Fellow
Raja Harith is an undergraduate student studying Finance and ESG at The Wharton School. Harith is also a 2024 Undergraduate Student Fellow.
Joey Jung
Undergraduate Seminar Fellow
Joey Jung is a n undergraduate majoring in Urban Studies and Political Science. Jung is also a 2024 Undergraduate Student Fellow.
Frank Ma
Undergraduate Seminar Fellow
Frank Ma is an undergraduate studying Finance, Statistics and Computer Science. Ma is also a 2024 Undergraduate Student Fellow.
Kayla Main
Kleinman Center Research Assistant
Kayla Main is a Research Assistant at the Kleinman Center. Through the Kleinman Center, she also works with Energia, an international network supporting gender equity and sustainable energy progress, and their partners, such as Solar Sister.
Lillian Miller
Undergraduate Seminar Fellow
Lillian Miller is an undergraduate student studying Chemistry and Earth and Environmental Sciences in the Vagelos Molecular Life Sciences program. Miller is also a 2024 Undergraduate Student Fellow.
Sandro Mocciolo
Undergraduate Seminar Fellow
Sandro Mocciolo is an undergraduate student studying Environmental Studies, Economics, and Spanish. Mocciolo is also a 2024 Undergraduate Student Fellow.
Thu Nguyen
Undergraduate Seminar Fellow
Thu Nguyen is an undergraduate student from Vietnam majoring in Environmental Studies with a concentration in Environmental and Sustainability Management. Nguyen is also a 2024 Undergraduate Student Fellow.
Seema Parmar
Undergraduate Seminar Fellow
Seema Parmar is an undergraduate student in the College of Arts and Sciences studying mathematical economics and environmental studies. Parmar is also a 2024 Undergraduate Student Fellow.
Kiara Perez
Undergraduate Seminar Fellow
Kiara Perez is an undergraduate student studying Nursing with a minor in Global Health. Perez is also a 2024 Undergraduate Student Fellow.
Nisha Shah
Undergraduate Seminar Fellow
Nisha Shah is an undergraduate studying Materials Science and Engineering with a minor in Mechanical Engineering. Shah is also a 2024 Undergraduate Student Fellow.
Colby Snyder
Undergraduate Seminar Fellow
Colby Snyder is an undergraduate studying Physics and Chemical Engineering in the Vagelos Integrated Program in Energy Research. Snyder is also a 2024 Undergraduate Student Fellow.