Staff & Leadership

Sanya Carley

Faculty Director

Bill Cohen

Center Coordinator

Cornelia Colijn

Executive Director

Arwen Kozak

Research Associate

Thabo Lenneiye

Managing Director of the Sustainable Agriculture Fund

Angela Pachon

Special Advisor

Lindsey Samahon

Communications Director

Oscar Serpell

Associate Director of Academic Programming

Mollie Simon

Senior Communications Specialist

Andy Stone

Energy Policy Now Host and Producer

Kimberle Szczurowski

Financial Administrative Coordinator

Shelley Welton

Presidential Distinguished Professor

Jennifer Wilcox

Presidential Distinguished Professor
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Board Member
Paul Bonney
Former Senior Vice President, Exelon
Paul Bonney is a member of the Kleinman Center Advisory Board and a former senior vice president at Exelon.
Mark Brownstein
Senior Vice President, Environmental Defense Fund
Mark Brownstein is a member of the Kleinman Center Advisory Board and the senior vice president of energy transition at the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF).
Emily Duncan
Senior VP of Federal Affairs, American Electric Power
Emily Duncan is a member of the Kleinman Center Advisory Board and the senior vice president of federal affairs at American Electric Power.
Scott Kleinman
Co-President, Apollo Global Management
Scott Kleinman (C’94, W’94), along with his wife Wendy Kleinman, established the Kleinman Center with a generous $10 million gift to the Stuart Weitzman School of Design. This founding gift continues to support the center and its broad array of programs.
Ken Kulak is a member of the Advisory Board and a former senior fellow at the Kleinman Center.
Sonny Popowsky
Former Consumer Advocate of Pennsylvania
Sonny Popowsky is a member of the Kleinman Center Advisory Board and served as the Consumer Advocate of Pennsylvania from 1990 to 2012.
Marvin Schlanger
Former Chairman of the Board, UGI Corporation
Marvin Schlanger is the former chairman of the Supervisory Board of UGI Corporation and a member of the Kleinman Center Advisory Board.
Frederick Steiner
Dean, Stuart Weitzman School of Design
Frederick Steiner is dean of the University of Pennsylvania Stuart Weitzman School of Design and a member of the Kleinman Center Advisory Board.