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A Conversation with Leah Stokes
Event Summary
Leah Stokes discusses her recent academic research, including ongoing projects. She will share findings from her book, Short-Circuiting Policy, which examines the role that utilities have played in promoting climate denial and rolling back clean energy laws. She will also discuss current working papers that look at protests against wind energy and the political effects of power shutoffs to prevent wildfires.
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Short Circuiting Policy Book Talk and Clean Energy Reports
Leah Stokes
Assistant Professor, University of California Santa BarbaraLeah Stokes is an assistant professor of political science at University of California Santa Barbara and 2019-2020 visiting scholar at the Kleinman Center.
Mark Alan Hughes
Director EmeritusMark Alan Hughes is director emeritus of the Kleinman Center. During his time as faculty director, he led the Center and wrote on topics ranging from deep decarbonization to the future of Philadelphia’s energy landscape.
So excited to listen to a talk with Leah Stokes today at Penn’s Kleinman Energy! Just wish this was in person so she could sign my book!
Katherine Gomez, Doctoral Student, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering