Zhongjie Lin

Zhongjie Lin is a scholar and practitioner of urbanism. He researches and teaches urban design, ecological urbanism, utopianism, and Asian architecture and urbanism. He is also a founding director of Futurepolis, an awarding-winning international planning, and design consultancy.
Lin is author or co-author of several books including Kenzo Tange and the Metabolist Movement (2010), Vertical Urbanism (2018), Urban Design in the Global Perspective (2006), The Making of a Chinese Model New Town (2012), and most recently Rio de Janeiro: Urban Expansion and Environment (2019). He is writing a new book examing the contemporary urbanization in China through the lens of its massive new town movement in the last thirty years. He also leads an interdisciplinary research project studying the “Spatial Visions Connecting China and the West,” sponsored by Penn Global.