Staff & Leadership

Sanya Carley

Faculty Director

Bill Cohen

Center Coordinator

Cornelia Colijn

Executive Director

Arwen Kozak

Research Associate

Thabo Lenneiye

Managing Director of the Sustainable Agriculture Fund

Angela Pachon

Special Advisor

Lindsey Samahon

Communications Director

Oscar Serpell

Associate Director of Academic Programming

Mollie Simon

Senior Communications Specialist

Andy Stone

Energy Policy Now Host and Producer

Kimberle Szczurowski

Financial Administrative Coordinator

Shelley Welton

Presidential Distinguished Professor

Jennifer Wilcox

Presidential Distinguished Professor
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Student Advisor
Ahmed Abdellah
Student Advisory Council Member
Ahmed Abdellah is a Kleinman Center Student Advisory Council Member and is a student studying in the Vagelos Integrated Program in Energy Research (VIPER) program.
Luke Campo
Student Advisory Council Member
Luke Campo is a Kleinman Center Student Advisory Council Member. He is studying International Relations and minoring in Sustainability and Environmental Management in the College of Arts and Sciences. He is also a 2024 Undergraduate Student Fellow.
CeCe Coffey
Student Advisory Council Member
CeCe Coffey is a member of the Kleinman Center’s Student Advisory Council and a student at the University of Pennsylvania’s Carey Law School.
Alina Ho
Student Advisory Council Member
Alina Ho is an undergraduate student studying systems science and engineering in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Ho was a 2022 Undergraduate Student Fellow and is a Kleinman Center Student Advisory Council Member.
Caroline Magdolen
Student Advisory Council Member
Caroline Magdolen is a Kleinman Center Student Advisory Council Member and an undergraduate student studying in the Vagelos Integrated Program in Energy Research (VIPER) program. Magdolen was also a 2021 Undergraduate Seminar Fellow.
Dale Tran
Student Advisory Council Member
Dale Tran is a member of the Kleinman Center’s Student Advisory Council and an undergraduate student in the School of Arts and Sciences majoring in Economics.
Katherine Vaz Gomes
Student Advisory Council Member
Katherine Vaz Gomes is a Ph.D. Candidate in the Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Department and a graduate research assistant in the Clean Energy Conversions Lab. She is a member of the Kleinman Center’s Student Advisory Council.