Kleinman Center Celebrates Staff Accomplishment
The Kleinman Center for Energy Policy is proud to announce that Christina Simeone, our Director of Policy and External Affairs, will join the first cohort of doctoral students in Advanced Energy Systems at a new joint program between the Colorado School of Mines and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Christina will become a Senior Fellow at the Kleinman Center while she pursues her Ph.D. at this exciting new program. Her last day in residency at the Center will be June 30th.
Christina has helped established the Kleinman Center as a premiere energy policy research center by producing an extraordinary body of blogs, policy digests, and major reports. She has had impact on many key energy policy challenges at the local, state, and national levels, on topics ranging from petroleum refining (Beyond Bankruptcy) and energy transitions (Reimagining PA Coal Communities) to improving the process by which power market rules are developed (PJM Governance). Her writings for the Center will remain available at our website, kleinmanenergy.upenn.edu. Please join us in thanking Christina for her leadership and partnership over the years and congratulating her as she begins this next phase of an already impressive career.