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Real Reliability: The Value of Virtual Power
Event Summary
Consumers are adopting clean, flexible technologies such as smart thermostats, electric vehicles, and batteries at a rapid rate. Virtual power plants (VPPs) combine these technologies across participating customers to create a resource that can reduce, shift, or generate electricity when needed. By providing these services to the power system, VPPs can make significant contributions to grid reliability while directly compensating those consumers who participate. This presentation will introduce the concept of VPPs, describe their potential for facilitating affordable decarbonization of the power sector, and address barriers to deploying VPPs at scale.
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Real Reliability: The Value of Virtual Power
Ryan Hledik
Ryan Hledik
Principal, The Brattle GroupRyan Hledik is a Principal of The Brattle Group. His consulting practice focuses on regulatory, planning, and strategy matters related to emerging energy technologies and policies. Hledik’s work on the grid edge has been cited in federal and state regulatory decisions, as well as in national news.
Sanya Carley
Mark Alan Hughes Faculty DirectorSanya Carley is the Mark Alan Hughes Faculty Director of the Kleinman Center and Presidential Distinguished Professor of Energy Policy and City Planning at the Stuart Weitzman School of Design.