Energy Week 2022
Explore event recordings from Energy Week 2022.
This April, the Kleinman Center and Vagelos Institute for Energy Science and Technology hosted a week of energy-focused events across campus. Our event lineup included student lightning talks, a live podcast about the crisis in Ukraine and its energy impact, and a conversation with climate fiction author Kim Stanley Robinson.
Explore the event recordings and stay tuned for next year’s Energy Week 2023!
Kleinman Center Events:
Careers in the Energy Sector: A Panel Discussion with Penn Alumni
Penn Alumni working in high-level energy positions chat about how young professionals can prepare for a successful career in the energy sector.
Live Podcast: Energy and the War in Ukraine
Energy expert Anna Mikulska and Energy Policy Now podcast host Andy Stone hold a crucial conversation about the energy implications of the war in Ukraine.
Renewable Energy and Indigenous Communities
How do indigenous groups worldwide perceive the growth of renewable energy? Is it an opportunity or a risk? The panel discusses how to minimize threats and make the energy transition more just for indigenous people.
A Conversation with Kim Stanley Robinson
Author Kim Stanley Robinson joins Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein in conversation to discuss his new novel and a vision of climate change over the coming decades.
Partner Events:
Research Energy: Library Resources
Looking for data and information about the energy industry? Business librarians explore key energy industry research tools such as Bloomberg and GlobalData Power.
Crypto and the Climate Crisis
The rise in cryptocurrencies is creating pressing new challenges for staving off the worst impacts of climate change. What can policymakers do to help regulate cryptocurrencies? Lawrence Baxter and Cary Coglianese hold a discussion on cryptocurrencies and their far-reaching environmental impacts.
Utility-Scale Solar: Opportunities & OBstacles
Presenters discuss their research, funded by the Kleinman Center, on efforts to locate utility-scale solar on farmland, present a model solar ordinance, and examine opportunities to co-locate utility-scale solar and farming activities.
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Visualizing and Analyzing Renewable Energy Data
The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) conducts clean energy research, development, and deployment. This session demonstrates how to obtain, visualize, and use selected renewable energy geospatial datasets from NREL.