
Energy Transitions in Times of COVID19: Economic Crises and Time Horizons in Latin America

Markets & Finance, Climate

How do time horizons of politicians and macroeconomic crises, such as the one prompted by the COVID19 pandemic, affect the incentives of governments to adopt policies on energy transitions? This analysis will answer this question by comparing two countries, Colombia and Venezuela for the period 1997 through 2021. This period begins with the sanction of Kyoto protocol, and will allow the analysis of the adoption of energy policies under different governments and economic contexts. The analysis will finish by focusing on the current COVID19 pandemic as an exogenous variation.

Grant Result

Building a sustainable energy supply is a worldwide challenge. This case study explores the performance of policies to increase the production of solar and wind energies in Argentina, comparing cases of failure and success.

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Santiago Cunial

Graduate Fellow

Santiago Cunial is a graduate fellow, doing research and drafting policy digests on energy topics in Latin America. Santiago is currently a Ph.D. candidate in political science.