William Braham

William W. Braham, Ph.D., FAIA is a professor of architecture at the University of Pennsylvania, where he previously served as Chair of the Arctiture Department and is currently Director of the Master of Environmental Building Design and of the Center for Environmental Building + Design (CEBD). He has worked on energy and architecture for over 30 years as a designer, consultant, researcher, and author of numerous articles and books.
The Center for Environmental Building + Design is a faculty-led research and professional services unit dedicated to improving the environmental future of contemporary buildings and cities. CEBD works with a range of clients to develop climate action plans and perform carbon footprint accounting. To learn more about the center’s services, contact CEBD here.
His books include:
- Architecture and Systems Ecology: Thermodynamic Principles for Environmental Building Design (Routledge, 2016)
- Energy Accounts: Architectural Representations of Energy, Climate, and the Future (Routledge, 2016)
- Architecture and Energy: Performance and Style (Routledge, 2013)
- Rethinking Technology: A Reader in Architectural Theory (Routledge, 2007)