Roberto Schaeffer

Visiting Scholar
Roberto Schaeffer is a Full Professor of Energy Economics and Principal Investigator of the Centre for Energy and Environmental Economics (CENERGIA). He was a 2016-2017 visiting scholar at the Kleinman Center. Schaeffer earned a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from the Universidade Federal do Paraná and an M.S. in Nuclear Engineering and Energy Planning from the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. His Ph.D. in Energy Management and Policy is from the University of Pennsylvania. His current research focuses on integrated assessment modeling for energy and climate mitigation.
Schaeffer has been a Convening Lead Author (CLA), Lead Author (LA) and Review Editor (RE) for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change for chapters on Long-term mitigation pathways, Transport, Costs and potentials, Sustainable development, and Industry for the Climate Change Mitigation Working Group of the IPCC’s fourth (AR4), fifth (AR5) and sixth (AR6) Assessment Reports, and IPCC’s Special Reports (SRs) on Technology Transfer (SRTT), Renewable Energy (SREEN), and 1.5 degrees (SR1.5).
Schaeffer is Associate-editor Energy-The International Journal since 1999; co-recipient, together with others scientists of the IPCC, of the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007; recipient of the Integrated Assessment Modelling Consourtium (IAMC) Award for Extraordinary Contribution to the Field of IAM in 2020; recipient of the Academic Award of the Brazilian Centre of International Relations (CEBRI) in 2022; and also elected member of the Brazilian Academy of Science (ABC) since 2022.