Christian Gollier

Visiting Scholar
Christian Gollier was a 2015-2016 visiting scholar of the Kleinman Center. Gollier is the director of the Toulouse School of Economics and the Wesley Clair Mitchell Visiting Research Professor at Columbia University. His research focuses on decision theory under uncertainty, environmental economics, finance, investment, consumption theory, insurance economics, and cost-benefit analysis—with a special interest in long-term (sustainable) effects. He is the author of seven books on risk including The Economics of Risk and Time (MIT Press), winner of the 2001 Paul A. Samuelson Award; and Pricing the Planet’s Future (Princeton UP). He was one of the lead authors of the 2007 and 2013 reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Most recently, and jointly with Jean Tirole (2014 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences), Gollier has made contributions to climate change negotiations through the Harvard Project on Climate Agreements. He has published over 100 articles in top-tier economic journals. He is also associate editor, editor, or co-editor of scientific journals such as the Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Theory, the Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, the Journal of Risk and Insurance, and Management Science. Among many prizes and honors, he was awarded a fellowship in the Econometric Society, membership in the Institut Universitaire de France, the Ernst Meyer prize, the Erik Kempe award, and the Prix Edouard Bonnefous.
Gollier earned a Ph.D. in economics and a B.S. in applied mathematics from Catholic University of Louvain.