The Kleinman Center
220 S. 34th Street
Fisher Fine Arts Library
4th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19104
general 215.898.8502
media 215.898.5900
fax 215.573.1650
Meyerson Hall
Room G29
210 S. 34th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Drop Us a Note
Getting Here
The Kleinman Center is located on the upper floors of the historic Fisher Fine Arts Library at the University of Pennsylvania. The entrance is on the west side of the building, facing College Green.
Offices & Energy Forum: Our offices and meeting space (Fisher Fine Arts, room 414) are located on the 4th Floor, at the top of the main staircase.
Classroom: Our classroom (Fisher Fine Arts, room 306) is located on the 3rd floor, around to the right of the stairs, through the double doors, and on the left at the end of the hallway.
Note: There is no 2nd floor access via the building’s main staircase. The 3rd floor is one flight up, the 4th floor is two flights up.
Directions and Parking
Please see the maps below for detailed directions, including parking. The nearest garage is at 34th and Chestnut (entrance on 34th). The closest intersection to the Center is 34th and Walnut Streets.