What is ESG? Why It Matters and Why You Should Pay Attention
The Wharton School Huntsman Hall, Room G60
3730 Walnut Street
Philadelphia , PA 19104
Event Summary
ESG—short for Environmental, Social and Governance—is all the buzz in the business and investment worlds. But what exactly is ESG? And why should you care about it? While business firms are increasingly taking steps to consider how their actions both are affected by and impact these factors, the use of ESG has also elicited strong pushback from investors, politicians, and others. This panel event moderated by Dr. Michael Mann will bring together panelists with expertise in ESG from Wharton and industry to explore the ins and outs of ESG, why it has become so important, as well as to explain the controversies.
This event is part of Energy Week at Penn. Check out the rest of the 2023 programming at energyweek.upenn.edu.