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Urban Transportation and Energy Consumption: What is the Role of Urban Planning?
Event Summary
Matt Turner and Robert Cervero will present an overview of some of the major issues in planning and energy consumption: the relationship between urban form and vehicle travel, the role of housing and transit-oriented development, low-waste and energy efficient developments, and the use of fossil fuels in cities. Their presentations will be followed by a discussion on the role of urban planning in urban transportation and energy consumption.
There will be a light reception preceeding the panel, beginning at 3:30 pm, and a networking reception afterwards.
Robert Cervero
Professor and Chair of Urban and City Planning, University of California, BerkeleyRobert Cervero works in the area of sustainable transportation policy and planning, focusing on the nexus between urban transportation and land-use systems. Professor Cervero has and continues to serve as an advisor and consultant on numerous transportation and urban planning projects worldwide.
Gilles Duranton
Real Estate Department Chair, WhartonGilles Duranton is professor of real estate and holds the Dean’s Chair in Real Estate. His current work focuses land use and urban growth in emerging cities, the measurement of urban transportation and congestion, land development, and the geography of innovation and technology.
Erick Guerra
Associate Dean for Research, Weitzman SchoolErick Guerra is Associate Dean for Research and Associate Professor in City and Regional Planning in the Weitzman School of Design.
Matt Turner
Professor of Economics, Brown UniversityMatthew Turner joined the PSTC and Brown University in 2014. He is broadly interested in environmental and urban economics and his research focuses on the economics of land use and transportation.
Eugenie Birch
Lawrence C. Nussdorf Chair of Urban Research and EducationEugénie L. Birch is co-director of the Penn Institute for Urban Research, Lawrence C. Nussdorf Chair of Urban Research and Education, and chair of the Graduate Group in City and Regional Planning.