The Moonshot Mission: Reliably Transitioning the American Electricity Sector
Event Summary
Despite its Paris Agreement targets, the United States does not have a plan to enable the reliable transition of its electricity sector. The reality, and the challenge, in the United States is that no one setting decarbonization targets at either the federal or state level is responsible for both setting climate policy targets and maintaining grid reliability in the United States. This is an enormous policy gap. Fortunately, the institutions that can enable coordinated, reliability-informed policy planning do exist. The question is how to ensure that decisionmakers leverage these institutions. Join us for a discussion on how policy in the electricity sector – beyond fixing market gaps – can be used to enable the coordination, planning, and investment efficiencies needed to achieve the moonshot mission of reliably decarbonizing the United States electricity sector.
Join us via Zoom: https://pwh-upenn-edu.zoom.us/j/94321148287?pwd=SWtRczZ0bnBCVTNXRnQvTVZlY1V1QT09
Webinar ID: 943 2114 8287 |Passcode: 960999
This event is a part of Energy Week at Penn, a week of energy-focused events across Penn’s campus. Browse and register for other Energy Week events: energyweek.upenn.edu

Kelli Joseph
Senior Fellow, Kleinman CenterKelli Joseph is a Kleinman Center Senior Fellow. She works at the intersection of policy and markets, with a focus on transitioning the electricity sector to support a decarbonized, climate resilient economy.