Kleinman Center Event
Roads to Removal: Pennsylvania
Event Summary
8:15 AM: Registration and Breakfast
9:00 AM: Welcome
- Jennifer Wilcox, Presidential Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering and Energy Policy, University of Pennsylvania
9:10 AM: Plenary
- Robert Socolow, Emeritus Professor, Princeton University
9:40 AM: Opening: Roads to Removal Opportunities in Pennsylvania
- Jennifer Pett-Ridge, Lead Roads to Removal Author, Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff, Physical and Life Sciences Directorate, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
10:00 AM: Panel: Coupling Direct Air Capture with Sustainable Building
- Dorit Aviv, Assistant Professor of Architecture, Weitzman School of Design
- Noah McQueen, Co-Founder and Head of Research, Heirloom
- Christopher Neidl, Co-Founder, Open Air Removals
- Simon Pang, Roads to Removal Author, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
- Marina Sofos, Program Manager, Carbon Dioxide Removal: Enhanced Mineralization, U.S. Department of Energy
10:45 AM: Break
11:00 AM: Panel: The Potential for Greenhouse Gas Removals in Agriculture
- Alyssa Charney, Senior Advisor, Farm Production and Conservation, U.S. Department of Agriculture
- Allegra Mayer, Roads to Removal Author, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
- Dipti Pitta, Professor of Ruminant Nutrition, University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine
- Mary Yap, Co-Founder and CEO, Lithos Carbon
- Jane Zelikova, Director of the Soil Carbon Solutions Center, Colorado State University
11:45 AM: Panel: The Potential of Negative Hydrogen Using Biomass as Feedstock
- David Edwards, Director and Advocate for Hydrogen Energy, Air Liquide
- Wenqin Li, Roads to Removal Author, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
- Robert Schrecengost, Division Director of Hydrogen with Carbon Management, U.S. Department of Energy
- Josh Stolaroff, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Mote, Inc
- John Vohs, Carl V. S. Patterson Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of Pennsylvania
12:30 PM: Lunch
1:30 PM: Panel: Durable Removals and the Importance of MMRV
- Rory Jacobson, Division Director for Carbon Dioxide Removal, U.S. Department of Energy
- Vijay Kumar, Dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Pennsylvania
- Katie Lebling, Associate, World Resources Institute, United States Climate Program
- Kim Mayfield, Roads to Removal Author, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
- Hannah Murnen, Chief Technology Officer, Graphyte
2:15 PM: Panel: Societal Considerations and Impacts
- Vilas Annavarapu, Environmental Justice Fellow, Great Plains Institute
- Kyle Clark-Sutton, Principal of Climate-Aligned Industries, Rocky Mountain Institute
- Margo Corum, Director for Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Sequestration, White House Council for Environmental Quality
- Hélène Pilorgé, Roads to Removal Author, Research Associate, University of Pennsylvania Clean Energy Conversions Lab
- Simone Stewart, Senior Industrial Policy Specialist, Climate and Energy Policy, National Wildlife Federation
3:00 PM: Break
3:15 PM: Panel: The Role of Removals in Net-Zero Climate Goals
- Chris Avila, Legislative Assistant, Energy, Environment, and Technology Office for Senator Chris Coons
- Noah Deich, Senior Advisor, U.S. Department of Energy
- Seth Shapiro, President and Chief Executive Officer, Philadelphia Gas Works
- Nina Morris, Sustainability Director, University of Pennsylvania Sustainability Office
- Sasha Mackler, Executive Director of the Energy Program, Bipartisan Policy Center
4:00 PM: Closing
- Jennifer Wilcox, Presidential Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering and Energy Policy, University of Pennsylvania