Grid Modernization in PJM States: Enabling the Grid, Utility, and ‘Prosumer’ of the Future
Energy Policy Roundtable in the PJM Footprint #12
Presented by Raab Associates
Numerous PJM Footprint states (and D.C.) are currently undertaking a range of grid modernization studies and initiatives in pursuit of a 21st century electricity system. These include PowerForward in Ohio; NextGrid in Illinois; and Modernizing the Energy Delivery for Increased Sustainability in D.C. These initiatives share a number of commonalities. Each addresses both grid- and customer-facing technologies and activities, focuses on the distribution utility as a network service provider, and explores how to share data and design rates in a world with more ubiquitous advanced metering infrastructure.
Join us in exploring how states and other stakeholders are envisioning the future of electricity distribution systems within the PJM Footprint.
Can changes to state regulation, utility business practices, and rate designs enable rapid system evolution to improve grid resilience and unleash opportunities for customers (e.g. distributed energy resources, price responsive demand, and electric vehicles)?
Panel I: Emerging State (and D.C.) Grid Modernization Visions & Implementation Plans
- Chairman Brien Sheahan, Illinois Commerce Commission
- Chairman Asim Z. Haque, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio
- Chairman Jason M. Stanek, Maryland Public Service Commission
- Chairman Betty Ann Kane, Washington, D.C. Public Service Commission
Panel II: Grid Mod (Utility Facilitation of Emerging Prosumers)
- Anne Pramaggiore, Senior Executive VP and CEO, Exelon Utilities
- Scott Burger, Co-Author, MIT’s Utility of the Future study
- Sanem Sergici, Principal, The Brattle Group
- Paul Centolella, President, Paul Centolella & Associates
Registration is required***. Rates are $100 for general registration and $50 for employees of Sponsoring Organizations, government or non-profit employees, students, retirees, & low-income individuals. Registration for Web-Streaming Only: $50 for non-Sponsors and Free for Sponsors.
Networking Reception (wine, beer, and food) following Roundtable.
***The Kleinman Center has a limited number of seats reserved for Penn colleagues and students. If you are a member of the Penn community and interested in attending, please contact Bill Cohen: cohenw@upenn.edu.