Ensuring Resilience & Reliability in PJM’s Competitive Markets
Event Summary
The Department of Energy’s 8/23/17 Staff Report to Secretary Perry on Electricity Markets and Reliability, and DOE’s subsequent Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (Grid Resiliency Pricing Rule 9/28/17) – directing FERC to ensure cost recovery for “grid reliability and resiliency resources” – raise a host of new questions about the ability of organized electricity markets to ensure resiliency and reliability.
- What does it mean for a power system to be resilient, and where are the highest vulnerabilities?
- Are (on-site) fuel-secure resources essential to grid resilience and reliability?
- Can we adequately define and reward reliability and resiliency attributes through market-based mechanisms, or is cost-of-service compensation the only way to keep critical generators running?
- Does an increased reliance on natural gas raise new resiliency challenges, or can natural gas provide a reliable backbone for the power system?
PJM and its stakeholders were already in the process of addressing some of these issues with PJM’s Resilience Roadmap and its study on Evolving Fuel Mix and Reliability. Many other industry and stakeholder studies and papers have begun to circulate in the wake of DOE’s recent study and NOPR. Join us for a timely discussion on these and other key questions.
Energy Policy Roundtable in the PJM Footprint #8
Presented by Raab Associates
8:00 Gourmet Networking Breakfast/Registration
9:00 Welcome—Dr. Jonathan Raab, Raab Associates, Ltd.
9:05 Keynote Address: FERC Commissioner Powelson
10:00 Networking Break
10:30 Ensuring Resilience & Reliability in PJM’s Competitive Markets
- Alison Silverstein, Contractor on DOE’s Staff Report to Secretary Perry
- Ralph Izzo, CEO & President of PSEG
- Stu Bresler, Senior Vice President for Operations and Markets at PJM
- Dr. Joseph Bowring, President of Monitoring Analytics
- Donald Santa, President & CEO of INGAA
- Richard Kruse, Vice President at Enbridge
12:45 Adjourn
Registration is required***. Rates are $100 for general registration and $50 for employees of Sponsoring Organizations, government or non-profit employees, students, retirees, & low-income individuals.
Registration for Web-Streaming Only: $50 for non-Sponsors and Free for Sponsors. You can sign up for webstreaming until 11/27 at 3 pm.
***The Kleinman Center has a limited number of seats reserved for Penn colleagues and students. If you are a member of the Penn community and interested in attending, please contact Bill Cohen: cohenw@upenn.edu.