Alumni Networking Fireside Chats
Kleinman Energy Forum
Fisher Fine Arts Library
220 S 34th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
If attending in person, you must present a Penn Green Pass. Details will be emailed to you after registration.
Event Summary
This event is by invite only and only available to students.
These Fireside Chats will be an invaluable opportunity for students to meet and learn from high-level energy professionals and discuss how young professionals can prepare for a successful career in the energy sector. Fireside Hosts will meet with a small group of up to six pre-selected students who will have signed up to meet with specific hosts based on career interest.
Students should submit a proposed question in advance to be addressed. Please indicate your alumnus interest using this form. Elected students will receive confirmation emails with further details, with up to six students will be selected for each Fireside Chat Host. Forms will be reviewed in the order in which they are received.
Following these invite-only fireside chats, the alumni will be joining for an alumni career panel at 5:15, which is open to all attendees.
This event is part of Energy Week at Penn. Check out the rest of the 2022 programming at