2021 Northeast Workshop on Energy Policy and Environmental Economics
Event Summary
Our goal is to assemble a set of papers on a variety of topics, reflecting the latest advances in energy and environmental economics. We are particularly interested in papers that examine key policy-oriented energy and environmental issues through these lenses:
- public economics
- development economics
- industrial organization
- macroeconomics
The workshop will feature two types of plenary sessions:
- 45-minute sessions—talk, discussant, and audience discussion
- 25-minute sessions—talk and audience discussion
Graduate students will also share short presentations (5 minutes), sketching out an area of current research and highlighting central findings.
This year’s workshop is organized by Arthur van Benthem of Penn, Joe Aldy of Harvard, Geoffrey Heal of Columbia, Erin Mansur of Dartmouth, and Kenneth Gillingham of Yale. It is the latest in a series of Northeast Workshops, the most recent were held at Harvard, Columbia, Dartmouth, Yale, and Cornell.
Monday, June 14
(Presenters in bold)
1:00 – 1:10 pm | Opening remarks
1:10 – 1:55 pm
Neglected No More: Mortgage Lending, Home Prices, and Sea Level Rise
Benjamin Keys (University of Pennsylvania) and Philip Mulder (University of Pennsylvania), Discussant: Matthew Turner (Brown University)
1:55 – 2:20 pm
Local Public Finance Dynamics and Hurricane Shocks
Rhiannon Jerch (Temple University), Matthew Kahn (Johns Hopkins University) and Gary Lin (Johns Hopkins University)
2:20 – 2:35 pm | Break
2:35 – 3:20 pm
The Grandkids Aren’t Alright: The Intergenerational Effects of Prenatal Pollution Exposure
Jonathan Colmer (University of Virginia) and John Voorheis (U.S. Census Bureau), Discussant: Karen Clay (Carnegie Mellon University)
3:20 – 3:45 pm
When Externalities Collide: Influenza and Pollution
Joshua Graff Zivin (UC San Diego), Matthew Neidell (Columbia University), Nicholas Sanders (Cornell University), and Gregor Singer (UC San Diego)
3:45 – 4:00 pm | Break
4:00 – 4:30 pm | Student egg-timers (5 minutes each)
- Kevin Ankney (Georgetown University)
- Aymeric Bellon (University of Pennsylvania)
- Diego Cardoso (Cornell University)
- Muye Chen (Cornell University)
- Jose Eguiguren-Cosmelli (University of Maryland)
- Rachel Feldman (Georgetown University)
4:30 – 4:55 pm
The Epidemic Effect: Global Governance Institutions Mitigate the Effects of Epidemics
Belinda Archibong (Barnard College), Francis Annan (Georgia State University) and Uche Ekhator-Mobayode (World Bank)
4:55 – 5:30 pm | Breakout room chat & Ph.D. student mentoring
Tuesday June 15
1:00 – 1:30 pm | Student egg-timers (5 minutes each)
- Christopher Holt (University of Maryland)
- Yuanning Liang (Cornell University)
- Jonah Rexer (University of Pennsylvania)
- Charles Taylor (Columbia University)
- Stephanie Weber (Yale University)
1:30 – 2:15 pm
Holding Up Green Energy
Nicholas Ryan (Yale University), Discussant: Jose Miguel Abito (University of Pennsylvania)
2:15 – 2:30 pm | Break
2:30 – 3:15 pm
Colluding Against Environmental Regulation
Jorge Ale-Chilet (Bar-Ilan University), Cuicui Chen (SUNY Albany), Jing Li (MIT) and Mathias Reynaert (Toulouse School of Economics), Discussant: Karam Kang (Carnegie Mellon University)
3:15 – 3:40 pm
Top Down Meets Bottom Up: Effects of Joint State and Citizen Scrutiny on Polluter Behavior in China
Valerie Karplus (Carnegie Mellon University) and Mengying Wu (MIT)
3:40 – 4:00 pm | Break
4:00 – 4:45 pm
Using Targeting to Optimize Program Design: Evidence from an Energy Conservation Experiment
Todd Gerarden (Cornell University) and Muxi Yang (Cornell University), Discussant: Hunt Allcott (Microsoft Research)
4:45 – 5:15 pm | Closing remarks, breakout room chat & Ph.D. student mentoring