Award Ceremony Kleinman Center Event

2021 Carnot Prize Award Ceremony


Sheila Oparaocha
International Coordinator and Program Manager, ENERGIA
Mark Hughes
Founding Faculty Director, Kleinman Center for Energy Policy
Frederick Steiner
Dean, Stuart Weitzman School of Design
Wendell Pritchett
Provost, University of Pennsylvania

Virtual event

The Kleinman Center awarded its sixth Carnot Prize for distinguished contributions in energy policy to Sheila Oparaocha, international coordinator and program manager at ENERGIA.

Event Summary

We are pleased to award the Carnot Prize for distinguished contributions to energy policy to our 2021 recipient Sheila Oparaocha, international coordinator and program manager at ENERGIA, an international network focused on promoting gender equity and sustainable energy.

During her over two decades at ENERGIA, Oparaocha has tirelessly advocated for a more gender-equal energy sector and for women to play a central role in the clean energy transition. Her work has supported women entrepreneurs to grow and run their own businesses in the energy sector and assisted electricity utilities and energy agencies to mainstream gender approaches in their institutions and operations.

Join us on April 30th from 12-1 PM (USA Eastern Time, GMT -4).

Sheila Oparaocha

International Coordinator and Program Manager, Energia
Sheila Oparaocha is the international coordinator and program manager at Energia. She is the recipient of the 2021 Carnot Prize for distinguished contributions to energy policy.

Mark Alan Hughes

Director Emeritus
Mark Alan Hughes is director emeritus of the Kleinman Center. During his time as faculty director, he led the Center and wrote on topics ranging from deep decarbonization to the future of Philadelphia’s energy landscape.

Frederick Steiner

Dean, Stuart Weitzman School of Design
Frederick Steiner is dean of the University of Pennsylvania Stuart Weitzman School of Design and a member of the Kleinman Center Advisory Board.

Wendell Pritchett

Provost, University of Pennsylvania
Wendell Pritchett is the provost of the University of Pennsylvania and presidential professor of law and education at Penn Law. Pritchett, who holds a Ph.D. in history from Penn and is an award-winning urban historian, earned his law degree at Yale.

Learn more about the history of the Carnot Prize and see previous winners.