Energy Week: Student Poster Session


VIPER, VIEST, Kleinman Center for Energy Policy

Penn undergraduate, graduate, and post-doc students

March 3, 2023

Michelle Hutchings (VIPER)
Nadine Gruhn (VIEST)
Oscar Serpell (other)


You are invited to participate in the Energy Week at Penn 2023 Poster Session, a joint collaboration between the Vagelos Integrated Program in Energy Research (VIPER) the Vagelos Institute for Energy Science and Technology, and the Kleinman Center for Energy Policy. All students and post-docs who have research related to energy are encouraged to participate.

If you would like to present a poster, register here no later than March 3, 2023.

All final poster files must be received by March 14, 2023.

The final event will be held on Tuesday, March 21 from 4:30 to 6:30PM.

Why Participate?

This is a great opportunity to meet other energy researchers, showcase and get feedback on your work, and learn about different energy research happening across campus.


To apply, complete the Poster Session application form.

Poster Production

If you are a VIPER student, VIPER will pay for all poster printing. If you are a sophomore who has recently presented in VIPR-1210, you may re-use your poster. If you are a junior or senior or otherwise want to update your poster, you will be able to return to the form to update details and upload your poster for printing. You may update posters used for VIPR-1210.

Submit your poster file no later than March 14. See the form for additional guidance on poster formatting.

If you are a VIEST or Kleinman student, VIEST or the Kleinman Center will pay for your poster printing at one of the Penn Library poster printing facilities. Take your poster file to the printer by no later than March 14. See the form for additional guidance on poster formatting. Also feel free to reuse a poster you have presented at a past event.

Event Format

Poster presenters will be assigned an hour-long block where they are expected to be at their poster but are otherwise encouraged to visit other posters, network with the attendees or enjoy refreshments!