Featured Episode
Rethinking Air Conditioning in a Hotter World
Cities & Buildings, Climate
Energy Policy Now offers clear talk on the issues that define our relationship with energy and its impact on society and the environment.
Sort by Publish Date | Sort by Title | Guests | Summary |
September 18, 2018 | Decision Making for Climate Leaders | Mark Alan Hughes | Can policymakers effectively prepare for an uncertain future climate? The Kleinman Center’s Mark Alan Hughes discusses emerging decision models for climate mitigation and adaptation. |
September 4, 2018 | Handicapping EPA’s Deregulatory Climate Agenda | Joseph Goffman | Will EPA’s Clean Power Plan replacement withstand legal challenge? An architect of the Clean Power Plan weighs in. |
July 24, 2018 | U.S. Offshore Wind Industry Arrives | Jim Bennett, Brandon Burke | After a decade of false starts, the U.S. offshore wind industry is poised for real growth. The chief of the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management’s renewables office takes a look at the future of offshore wind. |
July 10, 2018 | Ending Water Wars | Scott Moore | Fresh water resources are becoming scarce as water demand from cities, industry, and agriculture rises. Can seemingly inevitable conflicts over water and the environment be avoided? |
June 26, 2018 | Trade Policy, Markets Trump Administration’s Fossil Fuel Efforts | Michael Maher, Anna Mikulska | President Trump has acted to boost fossil fuel development in the U.S. But market forces, and disruptive trade policies have more than offset the administration’s pro-oil and coal efforts. |
June 12, 2018 | Alaska in Energy Spotlight as New Arctic Drilling Looms | Lois Epstein | In the coming years 1.6 million acres of formerly protected Alaskan wilderness will be the site of new oil exploration and drilling. Can the state balance energy development and its environmental heritage? |
May 31, 2018 | Are 100% Renewable Energy Targets Realistic? | Karl Hausker | A number of states are pushing legislation that would require 100% renewable energy supply. But challenges ranging from high costs to the duck curve could make such targets hard to reach. |
May 1, 2018 | Distributed Energy’s Cyber Risk | William Hederman, Steve Kunsman | As distributed energy grows, so does cyber risk to the grid. Two energy security experts discuss solutions. |
April 23, 2018 | An EPA After Scott Pruitt | Cary Coglianese , Daniel Walters | What might the EPA look like without current Administrator Scott Pruitt? Two regulatory experts discuss the future direction of the agency. |
April 17, 2018 | The Legal Limits to State Climate Action | Cary Coglianese , Shana Starobin | How far can the states go in implementing climate regulations against Washington’s will? Two regulatory experts discuss the legal limits to local climate action. |
April 3, 2018 | Rising Seas and the Future of Coastal Cities | Billy Fleming, Jeff Goodell | As sea levels rise, nuisance flooding is the first wave of assault on coastal cities. Can we protect our coasts from inundation, or is retreat inevitable? |
March 20, 2018 | Lessons from a Decade of Cap & Trade | Arthur van Benthem | Carbon cap and trade is gaining momentum, most recently with China’s plan to build the largest carbon market. What can new markets learn from cap and trade’s past mistakes? |
February 27, 2018 | The Promise and Peril of Self-Driving Trucks | Steve Viscelli | Self-driving technology promises to revitalize the trucking industry. But increased energy demand and air pollution are possible downsides. |
February 13, 2018 | The Future of Nuclear Host Communities | Saqib Rahim, Jennifer Stromsten | Nuclear power plants pump millions of dollars into local economies. As the rate of nuclear retirements accelerates, will surrounding communities find a way forward? |
January 31, 2018 | Envisioning a Low Carbon, Lowest Cost Grid | Jesse Jenkins | Today’s electric grid will need to be reimagined to deliver carbon-free power. MIT’s Jesse Jenkins talks about what a deeply decarbonized electricity system might look like, and how to build it at lowest cost. |
Podcast Producer & Host
Since the first season of our podcast series, Andy Stone has directed each episode of Energy Policy Now—defining topics, inviting guests, and leading informative conversations.
Andy Stone
Energy Policy Now Host and ProducerAndy Stone is producer and host of Energy Policy Now, the Kleinman Center’s podcast series. He previously worked in business planning with PJM Interconnection and was a senior energy reporter at Forbes Magazine.